We have had many Golden Slime Casinos since the QQQ Slime Casino in which the boxes only lasted for around 30 hours!
We reported this and you guys did not do anything to make the boxes come back.
A discussion thread was made here that already goes over some points: https://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/123155
But nothing was done about it
The response that most of us got from this was that, "We don't disclose how the system works" and "I've passed this along", there were boxes one day, and then none the next day. This has not happened ever before.
Regardless of whether you guys bring back QQQ Slime Lockboxes, the defining feature of the Golden Slime Casino ARE the Slime Lockboxes, it was advertised that way. So what's the purpose of running a casino without any boxes? There's no incentive besides exchanging your Golden Slime Coins for Crowns. It does not even function as a proper crown sink.
I believe there have been three or four Golden Slime Casinos since the amazing QQQ Slime Lockboxes. NONE of them had boxes, this is over the period of about 4 months.
What is the purpose of not running boxes? To make sure the drops stay rare? Well at the moment, the drops seem to almost not exist except for the final few scraps of QQQ. They'll be getting very scarce over the next few months.
I would like to let you all know that, all the rare color node items, such as Hazardous, Shadow, Wicked, Hunter, Glacial, Gemstone Colors, etc. Are almost no where to be found in the community, apparently the people who spun casino back then aren't playing now and as such the supply of those serial numbers are practically extinct, meaning us players cannot obtain some of the more rare and illusive numbers.
The perfect way I think to handle casino is the begin rerunning all of the boxes.
Do it once a month.
1. Run a Gemstone Serial Number based on the Birth Month, so for example: A1H(Diamond) in April.
2. Run another alternate box that you can grab, maybe you can make this a rarer drop: Such as Hazardous, Dangerous, Wicked, Shadow. These colors tend to be more demanded than the Gemstone colors.
3. Make sure the boxes last for the entirety of the casino like it always has.
If any other knight has their own input, it'd be great if you could put it at the bottom of this post. Reminder the Golden Slime Casino's Drop Table is something the Gamemasters handle, not the developers, so changes regarding this should be easy to get across, I hope.
A lot of people don't want to roll if there are no boxes to be gained. So this is a crown sink lost for you guys :) .