Change Lockdown Untiered to use Tier 2 Values

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Fangel's picture

As it stands, Lockdown Untiered is basically just Tier 3 lockdown with costumes where anyone who isn't tier 3 just gets immediately obliterated. It's nice to have more people trying it out, but no-one would stay in a PvP mode if they don't stand a chance.

As such, changing the base tier of Untiered to Tier 2 would aid with this, assuming all knight gear scales down to tier 2 (like it does in the clockworks).

Why would this change be good? Well...

  • Weapons with high damage now do less damage, allowing more variety with weapons while still maintaining the high star gear is the best gear mentality.
  • 4* and 5* gear doesn't need to be heated to achieve max usage potential, meaning players need less investment to perform well
  • Unique 5-star gear wouldn't be removed from usage (such as chaos, owlite wands, or mixmasters) however unique lower star items can also still be usable (such as searing edge or blazebreak)
  • The Striker class would have its health demerit actually take effect, however with the weapon damage downscaling, fights won't be over in an instant even without health trinkets
  • Lower-star players will have more of a fighting chance when their gear does more damage, and they don't die in 2 hits from anything
  • With lower universal base defense, defensive gear will negate even more damage and allow you to specialize yourself further instead of needing large amounts of expensive UVs to simply take one extra hit from insanely powerful weapons

This would give Untiered a better reputation as being the casual lockdown variant, while competitive lockdown can be kept in specific tiers.


Sounds great for what you want to achieve with it, I wouldn't mind it at all myself but I wouldn't know how other players would feel, or know about any little damage or defense differences between t2 and t3 that'd affect any meta spammed gear.
It'd also be fun to play around with lower teir weapons without making the games impossible for yourself.

It is "Unteired", but what's the point of it being Unteired if you can't even use lower star weaponry? Lower ranked players aren't able to play it at all.
If people cared so much about these changes if they were ever to come, there IS Tiered Lockdown they can all queue for.
I see absolutely no problem if these changes were ever implemented.

I repeated points you mentioned but I'm too lazy to edit my own post, yet I'm doing so putting this line in it.