Game Freezes/Hangs with all keyboard/mouse inputs
After getting a fancy new desktop with an AMD ryzen 5 3600 core with a Geforce GTX 1660 graphics card, I decided to install SK and see how pretty it looks when I can run it on max graphics. I quickly ran into an issue though; I couldn't move my character. Every time I tried to move, the game froze, and stayed frozen until I let go of the keyboard, at which point it resumed at a normal frame rate. After some experimenting, I found that no matter what button I pressed, whether it had a function in the game or not, it would freeze SK (same issue in all menus, including the main menu). I can kinda move with the mouse, but it freezes for a few seconds when I click, then a for few seconds after I let go. If anyone knows any solutions to this, please let me know; I would really like to play this game!
I solved the issue. Apparently, I had a program called "Nahimic Services" installed on my computer. It's some sort of audio software that ships with MSI motherboards, and it causes lots of compatibility problems with games for many people. I figured this out by using Advanced System Care's "Turbo Boost" and disabling every program to see if that fixed it. It did, so I systematically looked for what program was causing issues by enabling half of the programs, testing SK to see if it worked, then narrowing down the possibilities in half again until I found it. Thanks for your input though, it's appreciated :)
Recently I had problems with new version of Java (1.8.0_261). After the Java update, the game usually froze right after starting and didn't seem to have any intention to unfreeze. After returning to the previous version (1.8.0_251) it works normally again.
It's probably unrelated, though.