So there's a guy who is called Hombresan who keeps asking for "donations" and sending trade requests to everyone
It's been one day since yesterday that he kept asking for crowns instead of farming them. I really want the staff to ban him coz it's beginning to become annoying
I understand but the problem was I was kind enough to give him up to 200 crowns and he kept asking for 10 times the amount
Plus, he asked for orbs which I couldn't give because they're all bound to me since I don't buy orbs but he kept begging, it was like he couldn't understand
Moreover, I tried to complain with "annoying" but the prompt said it was not worth it... :\

I too find beggars very annoying. They should not beg. The ideal solution to the beggar problem is for the beggars to change their behavior.
But practically the solution is for you to ignore them using the Ignore feature. That's why it exists. Best wishes.

Eh, beggars are just kids. They'll grow out of it and then end up on the street IRL begging and then they'll die someday. It's no big deal.
One of two things are happening here. 1 the dude is trolling or 2 he does not know much about the game but wants to beg (Or a combination of the 2). In either case coming on here and asking for him to get banned is not the proper way to handle this. If he truly was being annoying to people then the best way is to file a report on them in game and contact SK Support via email, that way they can handle the situation (Which will likely be a warning or a small temporary ban with the warning to not to repeat that offense again). Either way I would handle this privately through the GMs and not publicly through here, just in case you yourself can get involved with support in a negative manner. Cheers.