Serious question for everyone here

15 replies [Last post]

It's something I oftenly wonder whenever I boot the game... I feel fear to simply not be able to log in ever again, to lose everything so easily, and I'm not only talking about inventory, but also the memories stored within my guild and everything that comes out of my nickname.

I feel sad how one of my childhood's videogame is going to disapear sooner or later. I feel sad to forget it, specially knowing that my memory ain't the best thing on the world.

I know it sounds overexagerated, or that I'm being too sentimental, but honestly, this game means a lot to me, and I think it also does to a lot of other people. All of those who are still playing even though they have everything they could ever desire to possess, I'm sure they are still online because they just love this game and might be sharing the same feeling I have with it.

I would be lying if I said Spiral Knights it's perfec thought, and honestly, it's far from it, it's balance is questionable and the economy is weird and the only event people will care the most at the long run will be the Black Kat event. But even with all of this errors in the design, it will always be what I played for over +1700 and the only MMO RPG I actually beated on my life.

So... Let me ask you:
What are you gonna do once this game closes its servers? How will you feel...?

It would be also cool to know some fun facts about your journeis on this game!

Sweet-Hope's picture

well i would be sad that i couldnt play one of the best MMO ever made and designed. because trust me THIS GAME isnt even grindy (Unlike many crying for bua bua i cant get orbs this just grindy it take too long like im working!!") a game where weapons and armor sure helps but your skill have the most strong impact in battle field. yeah YOU never going to find a game like this. because outside here its only about level up, meta classes and RNG enchacement which dont give you a 100% option to upgrade.

i would remember it forever. but i dont worry about my guild and the friends i made there because i still friend with them since 2011.

Midnight-Dj's picture

On one hand I hate GH for squandering the potential of this amazing game, all the stories, all the lore and interesting concept left undeveloped.

On the other hand I would rejoice that GH would finally got their lazy paws off this game and someone else might take over and actually give SK the respect it deserved. If not then at least this game is put to rest, no journey lasts forever, and this certainly not the dignified end I wished for SK.


Its gonna be sad to see the game go as at this point its inevitable with the way the game is currently running. A few things in the game we may never see again are the mission/market as for those I would take screenshots and videos whenever you can if you ever want to see what the game was again, but the big thing in the game is the community and the people you meet imo. Because the game dies im not gonna just stop talking to these people and the people is really what the made the game special. When i had my first account, lost in the blues now the thing i miss the most was the people and the active community that is was more dimished now then from when it was then.
I also wish grey havens would do more. The community is devoted to help the game stay alive but they don't seem to be willing to want to take help or advice which I can also understand, but at a certain point the game is just gonna die while we have little to no input.

Skepticraven's picture

I'm going to continue doing what I've been doing - chatting with the friends I've made here on other platforms and remembering that I enjoyed this playing game.
I'd probably come back for new content, but I'm not particularly expecting it either.

It'd be nice if the game can be appropriately "archived". Not sure that's particularly easy to do with MMOs in general, so the "life-support" they have it on currently is probably the best they can do. Lots of players probably don't like that state, but I saw it more of "sega/OOO [now defunct] was going to pull the plug and GH stepped in to say 'not yet'".

Sweet-Hope's picture

"life-support" they have it on currently is probably the best they can do. Lots of players probably don't like that state, but I saw it more of "sega/OOO [now defunct] was going to pull the plug and GH stepped in to say 'not yet'".

i share the same opinion about that. it was pretty obvious Sega would shut down SK after the gemstone promo made a 1 year cycle it was around june july i believe?. but GH saved the game and im grateful about that.

Being honest im trying to stop my complaining because a game like this not going to exist anymore. game barely is grindy, sure there are meta weapons but still you can do the levels with any weapons you want (well SL is the only meta weapon focused for now due t4, and vana cant be damage by shadow weapons on last phase i believe?)

but besides that how many games you know that plays like sk and not forcing you to be a class with certain specs and certain weapon with enchacement of +21 and reiforcement of 10 which require a lot of RNG without a safe try or a lot of a material that barely drop respectively to play anything?.

i was about to change my review from negative to positive i only need more characters allowed in steam review, so i will do it as image adding my review there along why i think SK is unique agasint other MMO like: dofus,wakfu, treeofsavior or maplestory.

i know game barely get update and only promos, and despite i WANT to buy and support the game i would love to spent my money if they change a bit their shop hell i dont even want it forever that way maybe one day, one sunday where supply depot sells everything for CE and let many things influx again in the market which are overpriced by merchants dont want to sell unless you give them 200 bucks worth.

but oh well

I feel you, people.

I feel the fear that such good games like this could be gone one day, and we'd have nothing actually good like that anymore, just like plenty of such games from the past that were on digital marketplaces, WiiWare & DSi Shop being such examples, gone without given a chance at being perpetual on physical media re-releases.

Spiral Knights has been such a game we held to our minds and hearts when it launched, and I'd feel very sad if it became a part of my kind of void that keeps on increasing, as with other things that have.

You know, I feel that more and more, what we had from the past is fading very fast as time keeps going by, leaving nothing actually good for us to have for all people to enjoy, and there's nothing we could do but think back.

Nothing's ever the same, huh?

Fishysh's picture
im looking forward to this

im looking forward to this ship sinking so that the possibility of private servers comes to fruition. There is such outdated and shitty balance in this game. Grey Havens hasnt even touched the stat of a single weapon since they got the game 6 years ago. It's hard to even call them devs. In my mind they've kept the game hostage as a money printer.

"Money printer"

Honestly, I feel that GH, in a way, they did try to maintain the game to get some money out of it, on the other hand, I've seen not many atemts to do it as optimal as posible, so I guess GH just wants to keep the game alive while still getting some proffit.

PD: Thanks for the responses you all!a I hope more people give their opinion here, I like to read it ^_^

Bopp's picture

Grey Havens hasnt even touched the stat of a single weapon since they got the game 6 years ago.

2019-01-25: The Owlite Wand handgun (a modified Nova Driver) is introduced.

2017-09-08: Shard bombs and tortofist handguns are buffed, so that more shards can inflict damage on enemies.

2017-05-11: New armor, swords, and bombs are added, themed around sleep and slimes.

I'm not saying that this is enough development. But it is a little development on weapons.

Midnight-Dj's picture
Not good developments either....

Grey Havens hasnt even touched the stat of a single weapon since they got the game 6 years ago.

*looks at my nerfed polaris in utter disgust*

"Nice one PvPers, you can't let go of your stupid egos and have to drag one of my favorite weapon down with you..."

Eoun's picture

I'm planning to move on while cherishing the good times whenever I recall them, was present when other games I loved closed forever.

Fishysh's picture
6 years

gunner update aka polaris nerf was 6 years ago

shard bombs and tortos were not a stat change

owlite wand is a fucking trash weapon

none of the new gear got close to touching balance

when it does close

party in haven pog

The-Ancient-One's picture

Connect with whoever I can to re-establish the game. Get people in on it. Throw in some armor balance and host my own server. World of Fehzor.

Jcyrano's picture
World of Fehzor.

If you Do that, Get Chaos OUT of BOMBS
PD.: please