This is it? wot.

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Hello I was reading SK wiki a minutes ago searching for events and informating myself something that I do to keep them memorized and then I remember caketastrophe exists and welp... why is it so bad? it's my opinion and so I'd like to start a discussion about it. Look in 2013 anniversary prize box had aura and more things while from 2014 to probably nowadays it has the grand topper ok cool and the field cap. Bruh I may be wrong about it but if it is only that wow thats horrible for an anniversary event we could have suprise boxes for a lot of tokens (the ones that give the montly boxes u know the paid ones) because in others games anniversary events are mostly like giving the good shet as it is annual, one chance only (I dont remember a game to give examples but there is seriously even games from cellphone like the gachas one, anniversary events gives the SSR or something like that for players with effort or as reward for logging) or we could have the same things from the past 2013 box or better put the items inside iron lockbox and copper inside it would be awesome! so that is my question because just like they did that SHIT with shadow lairs they could easily change something, they could buff tortofist, they could make catalyzer a good gun again without being op it is already there just change the numbers or whatever how it works like they did with shadow lairs increasing the damage dealt from wont take 9 years they just dont give a FRICK about their game's community anymore. I may be wrong and if so I'm sorry it pisses me off a game so cool in this state, however I would like to see proofs too. Sorry for my "engrish".

Bopp's picture
is this a summary?

You want better prize boxes during the anniversary event in April.

Also you'd like to see tortofists and catalyzers buffed.

Also you don't like the "Tier 4" Shadow Lair buff that happened 2019-06-27.