How the spike snake is actually good game design
Tue, 09/01/2020 - 05:31

That. I hate those. But I hate them because they slow me down and that's their purpose. To clump the players. I suppose you don't have to like good design.
Tue, 09/01/2020 - 12:33
I know it may be very annoying to go through those spikes, but their design in the maps' layouts are what gives us Knights a fair, yet sometimes intense, challenge in our adventures.
One question, did anyone take a look at what I've posted in Gremlin Chatter lately?
Tue, 09/01/2020 - 15:30

Yeah that section could use a rework, Hope. I skip it when I see it.
Spike chains as opposed to party buttons though. An interesting design point. I guess really I'm interested in other hot takes for map design.
they could fix that one easily by making like the spike trail from compound where you hit the swicht to lower the spikes for some second then they go up.
for me a pretty bad design is this area:
crystal blocks spawn a soon they are destoryed this make monsters stuck and annoyance for players trying to fight them there. it could be fine if crystal blocks have a respawn time of 5 secs. even 3 secs could be fine.
its ok if they try players to use different weapon type but SK never forced players to do that. that area probably is designed for players who keep a gun in their equipment (probably a valiance). but if i dont want to use a gun and going 3 swods + bomb only i shouldnt be penalized with a slow fight due the fast respawn of the crystal just because i dont want to use a gun.