(A Formal Note to Grey Havens Staff) My Thoughts on the Current State of Spiral Knights

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Almondtasterad's picture

Before I start, I just want to acknowledge that there have been many others who have talked about this. I just want to present my viewpoint on what SK has become these past few years. I do not know any other way of trying to get to the GMs other than the support email, and that is definitely not a proper spot, so I am putting it here as an alternative. This talks directly to them, and also to and for the SK community in general. I have played this game for 5-8k hours combined across all of my accounts, and I hope that gives me at least some credibility when talking about this.

I must present what I feel about SK in it's current state. As a game, SK is presented as a fundamentally different experience than most others of the genre. It has a very unique and lovable art style, an addicting hack-and-slash gameplay style, and a story that, is quite interesting. Also, the various weapons that can be crafted and the variety presented is attractive to players and can result in fun combos of gear that are unique. But unfortunately this is kind of where it ends. Once a player hits endgame they quit, stay around, or become a merchant (What I would almost consider the "real endgame" of SK)The content creation otherwise has pretty much ground to a total halt. Now you can ask me the question of why this matters if when GH took over the game from Sega, they stated they were going to be keeping the game in a "museum-state." They have pretty much kept it to that, but the problems starts with the fact that they are seeming to try and keep pushing out content. There were the new 10-2 and 10-3 Missions, then the Gunner Update (I think this is correct), then the now infamous Breach the Vault update, introducing Treasure Vaults and of course the increased difficulty of Shadow Lairs. I really appreciate that they have tried to give us new content, even though they could have just stopped there and then and left the game for dead.

Though they still have managed to update the game every now and then, there seems to be a hole in between the content they have pushed out, and what the playerbase has told them about the updates. They push the updates out, but then just seem to leave them there without touching them or talking with players about them. I believe that this issue has a resolution here

The most fundamental issue here, and I will say it again and again, is communication. Communication, communication, communication. Throughout all of these updates, you have remained completely silent, which really is not a good thing.

What needs to happen here is some sort of communication outlet from you to us. And it cant be one of those things like "Oh, we will look into it." No. I believe that we as the players of SK deserve at least some explanation for what is going on here. And let me be clear GH, I am not against you, I am for you. I am trying to help you guys by telling you what we feel as a community: abandonment, pent-up rage at never having an explanation, and lost hope. Whenever I have ever emailed support with a problem, it is like emailing a robot. The responses suit the situation of course, but there is just no real LIFE to them. I can understand why you as a company would want to do this, but the fact that SK is so small, combined with the fact that, as far as I know, GH is small as well, I think constitutes a margin of human to human interaction here. With these content updates, you have proven that you are indeed capable of producing content for SK, and that it can be done reasonably quickly. People have delved into the code and found so many pieces of unique content that are either old and can easily be reinstated, or is newer content that can definitely be put in. (Such as mention of the possible reskins of the diskguns being found added to the code around the time of the BtV Update) So as such why, if you can and have produced content these past few years, are you just sitting on all of this unreleased content? Is it fear of backlash by players? Is it not having a developer who can implement them? Or is there somehow a motive to keep things secret at all costs until released?

I have always held a hope in myself that you, the devs, are wanting to and indeed are making new content and are just being incredibly secretive about it. Being the intrinsically optimistic person I am, I always like to think that you are working on something big and that is why you are so quiet right now. And who knows? Maybe you are. Having 3 BK events in one years is a totally new thing, and it has me hoping that you are doing something, but because of the complete and utter radio silence there is just no way for us to really get to anyone at GH and have a person-to-person conversation with them about what is going on right now. We need something, and I want to at least try to, through this post, establish a comlink to GH that I can try and talk with you through. I am not trying to force you to do anything. I am not scourging you for the SL buff. I am not blaming you for every problem or server issue that SK has, but I think that talking with us as a playerbase, and just starting with simple talk is the best way to get a healthy relationship going here. I feel that having people to talk to and not a wall to talk to about content, how things are going, and SK-related topics is one of the most beneficial ways to develop a healthier relationship between developers and players.

Please reach out GH. I'm not trying to beat you around the bush. I am genuinely interested in understanding what is going on and helping you to understand us as players and how we feel about what you have implemented into the game. There is no harm in doing so, and is healthy for so many if you do plan on releasing content into the game in the future. I hope to be able to talk with you at some point in the future about these topics.


Almondtasterad's picture

To everyone else: I am trying to be optimistic for them in this little note, so we will see what happens in the next little while, and if they respond it will be incredible. At the very least I want to try and resolve some of the heat over the SLs that they have been getting. But, if they follow their usual communication plan, then this post will go down in the dusty annals of failed attempts at establishing communication with them. But it is always worth a try.
Also: This post may look a little scattered, and that is simply because I wanted to get as much down as I could about what I think and what I believe the general community thinks. I may revise it a bit to be slightly more concise in the future in need be. Wish me luck.

Sweet-Hope's picture

Here is the thread about arcade redux: https://forums.spiralknights.com/es/node/89218?page=8
reason you couldnt find it: its on graveyard.

I honestly worried with this sudden spam of event, they used to wait the 3 month time span before coming back? but now we get one after other ends and its not like i complaining but its not a normal behavior. because its either we going to get an update OR they going to shut down the servers. and i fear its the second because the pandemic situation which have affected everyone with more costs and spending. and GH keeping up servers from their pockets without much people buying stuff frm promos. yeah its something to think about.

i do agree that the complete silence of GH is really bad, i could understand this was a rule set by sega and prolly i CAN understand this maybe were one of the reasons of Nick leaving the company because i remember he was the only one communicating with us and telling stuff, but as soon sega took the game in their clutchy hands Nick communicate lesss and less with us, and as soon he realizes how community were more and more angry he probably at this point decide to leave the project because know if he talks about the stuff in the works sega will punish the team and most likely community will harass him for the long time silence.

they did wrong keeping everything in silence in that time? yes but i blame more on sega than ooo team, who know what kind of contract they sign so sega can keep them muted and milking every box they can make, but right now they arent sega, so i dont understand why, i dont remember who but said something along "we dont want to post talking about stuff because we dont want to promise stuff we arent sure we would deliver" i think was Cronus. my only guess they dont want to talk because dont want to mess up with the community and PR isnt an easy thing (i mean they dont even have a PR in the team) Nick prolly have some experience on it and being the leader of the project he wouldnt mind as he is just in charge.

i remember when OOO finally made into SEGA in 2012, the engineer who wrote the engine of SK leave the team soon possible and i remember in that time Nick said the code of SK were hard for him and a mess of code that made it hard for him to improve or add stuff without breaking more stuff, and i think he said that after the first event of apocrea ended. so it dont surprises me with apocrea is so unstable (but i also blame for big open space that its the map and the high amount of models in the map which get worse if you let many scarabs run around). but sega wouldnt need Nick anyways they only need an artist doing models and color and call it a promo. until Ian got tired of that and leave the team so he can join Nick in his new game.

and remember when Ian left the team we got only the gemstone promo for each month. and this was just the final road of SK sega knew SK wouldnt do much and they just were milking what they need before let die SK so as soon Gemstone made the year... bye bye SK.

but then OOO former employers joined and funded GH and bought back SK. i was happy with this annoucement, but probably as many as us we expected this could mean new content new levels (and we got it but... not in the amount we would have liked it) and then i realized something... they dont have Nick who barely know how to code into SK, neither Ian who made those awesome concept art...

SO after GH got SK yeah they did recolor promos from start because its easy to do and dont required artists or programmed (its seems so) but remember when they added the rooster year promo or the bot promo or the monkey promo? they look like pieces of other armors mesh up together but they tried making new models by using others, and then new models (pirates vikings etc) i see this as progress from their part, trying to understand how the engine works, i see this with the treasure vault update where it add a new mini boss, i mean sure its a reskin of the ghost in the machine boss with some tweaked behaviors but still a try of their part... but of course this could mean they are just adding stuff they left around when they were sega and probably those assets are part of the arcade redux in the works.

Honestly? SK was a about the gameplay and less of the story, kinda like classic doom but not going to deny when they added a story got me more and more interested on what would happen but i never saw SK could have a big world like other MMORPG to be honest but its because SK WASNT like others MMORPG and probably its what i liked more, it just like those truly arcade games where i just could join any party and play regardless they where like those old arcades games where you see players drop a coin and join them. honestly i never bothered with the mist energy system but i understnad why everyone complained since they couldnt play anymore if they dont have energy. but for me that keep players to suck dry everything frm the game in the first day.. unless they paid.

i feel missions are more guilty than removing the mist energy, because as soon you click a mission you are teleported there that could be fine with unique scenario missions, but with boss missiones... no.

i dont want to extend because there a lot but A LOT for this game...

and trust me when i said this: there not going to be another game like SK, because most of MMO focus on Level up, class meta system and DPS wall check with RNG refined weapon/equipment system which on fail destory your equipment in order to make you grind again that month of work for one single material drop.

i love this game...

Flowchart's picture

it's not really a rule as far as I can tell, last time a developer was in here people were arguing with him (leading to the infamous 1987 Super Bowl comment) so they probably didn't want to come back anymore

they don't even have any full time developers on SK anymore, seems they set up a few things in advance and it's up to the GMs to bring them out whenever they want to.

As far as the GM side, Cronus seems to be a "don't tell us what to do" person, other GMs don't care enough to comment or maybe don't feel like they should.

Almondtasterad's picture
My final push

I am not the kind of person to continually spam a message at GH, but I do want to leave off with one last note.

I really have always been stumped as to why you guys are so unwilling to communicate with us players about what you are doing with SK. I can understand some reasons to it, like company policy, the element of "surprise" with updates, or even a general fear of talking with players about the specifics of SK, such as just not updating it and not wanting to break that to the community.I can understand this, but there should be a bit of dialog between you and us, especially considering the size of this game. I want you to feel free to discuss what is going on on the "inside," and if you don't want to do it here, then like I said, go ahead and talk with me about it! Excuse my French, but I'm not the kind of person who will be like "Why the fuck is it so difficult for you to talk with us." I prefer to be a person who has a chill conversation with some integrated questions that you can feel free to answer or not to. I like to ask questions during a conversation that fit the path the conversation is going. i will definitely be asking questions about specific updates that have happened and have caused some unrest in the community, because I do feel like there needs to be some form of explanation about them. The ones that come to mind would include the Treasure Vault, loot scaling, and the SL buff. I would also like to ask about other content in SK, such as old bosses the the Green Jelly Giant, the Alpha Fire Wolver (Idk what it's specific name is), unreleased content that is in the game's code, and what you plan on doing with it. I'll try to make the conversation as casual as possible, but in the end we need some kind of response to this.
Anyways, that is it from me. GM's like I said, I won't spam this forum begging you to respond to me, but just remember that I am trying to give you a chance to talk with either me or the community about what has been going on. I play SK because I love to play it. I would love to see new content over the course of time, but in the end I like to play the game for what it is, and I think that will provide you with the opportunity to talk with someone who just likes to play the game. Again, I highly, HIGHLY encourage you to get in contact.

Like I said, I will leave the thread and my arguments ultimately up to you. I know that you guys read the forums, and I hope that you consider my offer. You can go on in silence, but silence is sometimes not the best solution to every problem, and hopefully you can prove that GH. I trust that you both can and will.


Xtweeterx's picture

The best way I suggest, if you haven't done it yet, is contacting GH directly through e-mail at the support page. I would think they still pay attention to the forums, but one can't be too sure.

EDIT: Re-read the OP. Wow, I'm blind.

I agree that communication, however possible, is the best thing a dev team can form with its playerbase. Since SK is so low in players now, it reminds me of how the devs were always on the forums in the Early days of SK back in 2010. Take a look, it's quite the historic trip. I would think something along those lines would help tremendously. Like a live Q&A thread or something.

Flowchart's picture

Feedback? Nah, have another UV ticket promo.