Hot take on the "current state of the game"

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The-Ancient-One's picture

The entire playerbase is a bunch of childish garbage that expects professionalism from humans and the developers/game masters don't know how to handle or communicate positively because they're all out of touch with the youth or something and are too busy trying to act professional anyway.

Meanwhile the developers and game masters are all working second jobs and just keeping the servers up as a fun source of income on the side, if that, because lets be honest, our whaling probably doesn't afford them much luxury in life and software devs get paid like 100 grand a year if they just take a normal job instead of a wacky mmo game job.

The devs probably don't play this game with us, probably because when you're in your thirties, fourties, etc., hanging out with teenagers and twenty somethings that both idolize and hate you is lame and weird. Which would lead to a sort of distance from their own creation, a backlist of things to do, an unfamiliarity with their own code, all of that.

To sum up today's lesson,

1.) No, we won't get more content

2.) Yes, they'll probably make us more content eventually, just it'll take 10 years unless they have it already made or something from the before times

3.) They hate you and you don't deserve more content. Just like your father, and God.

I agree with your take on the

I agree with your take on the playerbase

Gome-Xyz's picture
Two words

Paid service

Sylvieon's picture
so i take it you love the

so i take it you love the current playerbase

The-Ancient-One's picture

I kind of do tbh. Feels bad.

Flowchart's picture

y u so mean fezzor