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Toyoti's picture

⭐ Hello today I present an idea to change this game. (PvP) ⭐

You know Gray Havens have no interest in this game.

For that I have created Polaris to change the game, they will never put lobbies so we will create it.


Very easy when people use Guns. Polaris is going to attack spamming like never before until the lobby is clean. I don't want to get too keen on this but before all this. Lockdown was much more balanced because to be a gunner you needed set gunner + 1 trinket to full cap dmg '' balanced '' The same with bombers. But now everyone can use and spam dmg since they made that change to chaos and then brought the bk to finish breaking the game.

And one last thing, do you know why so many people play lol? because since they came out there have always been updates every week to balance the game. And spiral knights had a competitive future and pve open world. But they prefer that it die than save it

Nobody bets on him


Toyoti's picture
I forgot.

Anyone can be a leader here the purpose is to help create good lobbies imagine a lobby with your friends and you are 12 people and you play t2 LD with Dusker and no uvs no black kat just change the PvP to create it more competitive and serious.