What is the best weapon combination?

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i was wondering what is the best weapon combination, example: Sword + Gun

1 - Sword + Gun
2 - Sword + Bomb
3 - Gun + Bomb

What do you guys think?

Bopp's picture
sword + bomb

Of course there's no one answer, because it depends on the enemies, your party size, etc.

But that's not very fun. So I'll go with sword + bomb. And the bomb would be Dark Briar Barrage and the sword would vary.

Electricfuse's picture
Depends on the level as well

Depends on the level as well as your playstyle. Also depends on the type of weapons u have, for example, a voltage and a electron vortex bomb work very well together. This combo is very useful in vanaduke or places with lots of mobs, but would be pretty useless in a beast level or such.

Midnight-Dj's picture

Sword + gun is by far the most adaptable, bombs are niche and require the right gears/team to work well. Sword/gun provides the widest range of damage output and have decent crowd control (brandish and pulsar) if you play your cards right.

Jessecho's picture
for the average player

Sword + Gun or just Gun + Gun is the best in my opinion. When you first start out, this way, you have a lot of room to experiment but will probably have good coverage no matter what you choose, within reason. As someone who didn't have much money or time to put into the game and never reached a level where I had a robust arsenal for every situation, the winning combination tended to be one crowd control weapon and one single-target weapon. For most of the game, I used a Glacius (would have rather picked Combuster looking back) and an Iron Slug (no regrets on that one). Both the Brandish and Magnus lines have fantastic crowd control but don't sacrifice any damage or speed unlike many weapons, and are even great for single targets. When I wasn't using that setup, I had either Obsidian Edge, Blitz Needle, Flourish, or Nova Driver substituted for one of the above. The most important thing is being versatile, both in your weapons' damage typing and functionality, all of which you can get with many Swords and even more Guns: Brandishes, Divine Avenger and Magnuses are all-rounders; Pulsars are great for crowd control; and Flourishes, Drivers, Blasters, and Autoguns are great for single targets.

Depends on what weapon and what enemies

To be more specific I'll show some combinations that are actually quite useful, just remember that you won't be able to use them in all scenarios.

Most useful ones

Brandish Family + Any Vortex bomb (Electron Vortex most recomended, but hard ot obtain for new players)

Alchemer/Blaster family + Pulsar family

Less useful ones

Cutter/Flourish Family + Blaster Family

Autogun Family (Pepperbox less recomended though) + Shivermist Buster (Freeze Mist bomb)

Winter Grave (Shadow Magnus) + Any fire-status weapon (Can't freeze enemies that are on fire so you hit them more times with the Winter Grave charge attack)

Jessecho's picture
that's debatable

Danixyea, I wouldn't recommend that most players build specialized loadouts like those until getting at least two general-use weapons. The best way to start is probably with any combination of an elemental Brandish, a normal or elemental Pulsar, or a Magnus*. After that, farming becomes easy, and you can afford to experiment with specialized weapons.

* - Read as Iron Slug, because dealing Piercing damage isn't worth its tradeoffs, and Shadow-weak enemies aren't common in the most popular Tier 3 levels.

Crazy-Horse's picture
Here's my favorites

For starters the helm and armor is a no brainer, go for chaos set. It is the best first set and synergizes with all weapons.

As a new player your first two weapons could be two brandishes shadow and elemental. With a chaos set it will allow you to earn cr efficiently and clear missions with ease.

If you know how to switchfire going shadow+elemental alchemer + swiftstrike buck is competitive everywhere in the game. But likely not your first set of weapons

Chaos set + iron slug is another combo that works pretty much everywhere except vanaduke boss room.

Vortex + brandish combos are very powerful, honestly they are a bit win-more. They excel vs easy content with slow moving large mobs. Versus difficult busy fights, the vortex leaves you too vulnerable to use properly.

Dark briar barrage on its own deals with most of the pesky beasts and fiends that move very fast.

Guin-Aoiichi's picture
IF you Solo a lot

Then Gun + ( sword ) if you are going into a level and want cut all the trees and bushes to get the maximum coin out of that level .

Gun + (bomb) if you are going on a level with a lot of mobs . ( like the tiny slimes and critters )

Gun + Gun if you are on level and don't want to waste time cutting shrubbery AND want to keep your distance. Distance is key !