I am going to be making a huge Spiral Knights montage for my guild over the next couple of months and I was planning to add a scene where a knight shoots his gun at some poor clock works monster, and the the (bullet or bullets) come out out his gun in a slo mo matrix like effect using after effects. I was wondering what kind of gun the knight should use i was thinking argent peacemaker, but animating six bullets takes a lot of time. Suggestion would be appreciated.
Best gun for slo mo bullet
The Magnus line charge shot is pretty nice.
Isn't the Argent Peacemaker's charge shot supposed to be a falcon or something?
I don't have one but I thought I read it on the wiki.
IGN The one and only, Guardianknight.
Also suggesting the Magnus line. Here's a video example - http://youtu.be/PKyeEMZxdmk
The Argent Peacemaker's bird charge shot is beautiful looking as well, although it does have a lot of bullets so may not be easy to slow-mo/add effects to. I've got one if you'd like me to record an example.
Some form of auto gun. That poor monster will be slaughtered.
Thanks for the suggestions guys I am still deciding which gun to use kinda leaning towards. Just an FYI The bullet I will be making is not the actual bullet coming out of the gun it is an an animated bullet I will have to create myself example ---> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kB6pByt09fE&feature=related
oh, well in that case, unless you plan on animating the autogun's charge ability in which it sweeps an area with many shots, don't use it. Try the peacemaker, it looks really cool.
My favorite shot animation is the charged Magnus line. Check it out XD