Supply packs useless apart from deluxe ones?

OK, I have noticed for the past couple of months, the prestige missions did not offer an option for compact and standard supply packs to be delivered. Only deluxe ones. Why is this so? Does that mean that the former 2 are now completely useless in the game?
Did any regulars here observe this? Thanks.

OK thanks for the clarification. I guess then I have to put my access compact and standard supply packs at the AH.
I wonder of these items are sellable at the AH.

Some knights with extremely high prestige are listed here:
Of course the listing is not perfect: it's not updated every day, not everyone reports, possibly a few players lie, etc. But let's ignore that. My question is:
Do many of the knights on this prestige leaderboard do the supply pack missions? Or do they get that prestige though turning in excess materials and good old fighting? Just curious.

I have a lot of them on my friends list (or have friends who do) so I can see how much prestige they're getting, yes they do those missions.
Most of them do every mission except arms appropriation, of course the top few are the ones crazy enough to do those too.

If I am correct, doing the arms appropriation prestige missions REGULARLY require one to have a deep bank account or having tons of crowns to buy the particular arms from the auction house.
Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong here.

On a side note, I started playing Spiral Knights only on February of this year and now have about 23,000 prestige points. At least I have now passed the halfway mark of the "mystical" 45,000 points.

Flowchart, thanks for your response. I don't doubt that they're doing the fighting missions --- I've done a few with them --- but I didn't know whether they were also buying extra prestige, so to speak.
Bbsc, yes, Arms Appropriation is expensive. (And the thing you're buying is even more frivolous than cosmetics.)

You don't have to buy the weapons, you can craft them, doing them regularly does require a few things:
Most of the recipes learned (including pvp ones as they show up too)
A stash of eternals (to avoid paying for them)
A stash of shining crystals (most T3 players have an excess of these)
then you're left with the 2-4* orbs, glowing crystals and crafting fees which you can grind using the usual methods, doing the danger missions gives an ok amount of money too.
they show up for lower ranks. Although no real reason for low ranking knights to do this unless it's an alt trying to get to 45k early.