It appears to me that if the normal shots of Catalyzers did actual damage slightly less than other medium speed Guns, they could become viable and much more fun to use without giving up their special play style. The idea of Catalyzers is to set enough tags to instant-kill your target with a charge shot. But in practice, unless every party member uses them and coordinates their tag shots, you can never set tags fast enough to kill anything before the vast majority of other weapons could. By making the tags do damage on first contact, we eliminate that problem by speeding up the kill: you would need fewer tags to get your target into the death range of a charge shot.
The alternative way to improve them is to just crank up the damage of the charge shot itself, but balancing that seems like it would be too touchy. If they overshot the damage-per-tag of charge shots by a small bit, worst-case scenario, Catalyzers could suddenly outclass every other weapon's DPS. If they undershot, the guns would still not be useful. I feel that making the normal shots do damage is a simpler route to the same destination.
For good measure, Neutralizer's charge should deal Stun to complement the guns' explosive power, and as a consolation if you don't kill your enemy in one charge. Also, GH please fix Neutralizer's damage, please
I agree, depending on what "slightly" means. It should be viable to kill a monster using tag shots. But it should not be almost as good as Valiance, Supernova, etc. There should a pretty big incentive to use the charge shots.