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Small changes on gear that should be both easy to make and very appreciated

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Aight, so basically with the latest update changing Shadow Lairs so they are not as frustrating and adding some interesting camara feature on LD, I’ve been thinking: what could Gray Havens do to improve the game like this without having to change much? And here are some recommendations that have come through my mind (I’m not gonna put fix Neutralizer damage here btw, that’s a bug, not a feature to change, so I guess it does not fit in this post):

Give to defensive armors a Dash Time Reduction
Like, just give a buff on armor sets like the Ancient Plate set, Divine set, Azure Guardian set, etc. that allows the player to get their dash cooldown reduced. I would make it so it reduces de cooldown by 2 seconds per armor piece, giving a total of 4 seconds of cooldown, instead of 8. Since defensive armors are very underutilized on the endgame *cough*because of Chaos and BK*cough*, this should actually make them a bit more useful.

Increase damage on all pure Normal damage weapons
Like, I think everyone would agree here that many normal damage weapons are underpowered due their lack of damage compared to special damage weapons. Of course, they have no weakness, a feature that technically special damage weapons does not have, but their lack of being affective against certain family types is a way bigger drawback, and it has nothing to compensate it. It gets worse when you think about how in the endgame you can easily have 4 weapon slots, so you can just equip one weapon of each + an extra of your preference. A slight damage buff on normal damage type would actually make them a little bit more used in my opinion, if there was any weapon I had to discard from this change, it would be the Iron Slug, since it deals a lot of damage by its own already.

Improve Catalizer’s family bullets
Even though the Catalizers are not bad weapons, I feel that they are a bit too gimmicky, and the bullets being so slowly makes it harder on focusing on a single target when several enemies are around. Or at least, make it so the charge has an area of effect which causes all the nearby enemies withing the radius to detonate their attached non-charged bullets.
I honestly really like this weapon but I sadly just feel that it needs something so you can be more consistent with it.

Make Troika’s family faster
The Troika family are weapons that deal decent damage when compared to its faster alternatives like the Brandish family, but are just too slow for it to be worth using in standard situations. I would increase the standard attacks’ speed to the same one that Divine Avenger and Gran Faust has, the charge it’s kind of fine as it is now, since it’s quite reliable, perhaps it pushes you a bit too far ahead, but it does the job.
I also thought about increasing the chance of dealing status effects on both the Triglav and the Sudaruska, but I feel that could be too much depending of how Gray Havens raised those numbers, so better not.

Decrease Fang of Vog and Gran Faust charge time
I think the charge time for the Gran Faust is… Way too much. Of course, it deals a somewhat unique status: curse, but it really is that much of a deal, and about FoV (Fang of Vog), well, it’s reliable, but only to enemies who are currently not receiving knockback, like turrets, heavy enemies or standard ones having knockback negated with statuses like sleep or shock, in standard situations, which is when being against light enemies, FoV is not that reliable.
Decreasing the time between charges on these two weapons should make their gimmick stand out more, I feel the charge time of the Cutter family would be quite fitting for the job, it would not make it almost instantaneous like the Catalizers, but it would make a difference.

Make the armors from the Kataclysmic event cost no Wicked Whisker (except the Black Kat Raiment)
These armors aren’t really that good and the Wicked Whisker it’s just too hard to get, so it makes sense it’s only for the Black Kat Armor. I would also apply this to the Black Kat Mask (the 4-star variant of the Black Kat Cowl), since the owner of the book gets the 5-star variant anyways, and I’ve almost never seen anyone use the 4-star variant.

Make the mercurial set give you Movement Speed Medium per armor piece
Oh, oh, oh, it’s time to accelerate, SPEEEEEEEEEEED BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOST.
Jokes aside, I really like this set, but it’s not that unique compared to the Black Kat set, so I think this would make it not only more unique, but would also give it the buff it needs.
And if it’s too much, just add uniform Attack Speed Low on each piece and that should do it.

Fix the Cutter family sending enemies too far away
Either reduce the knockback or make each attack of the sword send you further than currently does so you actually git light enemies more consistently. Even though the second fix would not make it so the “ghost” attack hits were more consistent than they are right now, I think it would make the weapon a bit more fun to use.

Change how bombs work a little bit
Just make it so bombs can be placed instantaneously, but also limit the bomb placement until this one has fully detonated or all of its area of effect are gone, this would not affect other bombs placed by other players or other bombs on your loadout that are not the same one you’ve just placed.
In case this explanation is a little weird, let me put an example:
You have a Blast Bomb and a Mist Bomb, once you place the Blast Bomb you won’t be able to place an other one until this one has totally finished its explosion animation, but you will still be able to place the Mist Bomb (as long as there is not any Mist Bomb placed/playing the detonation animation either of course).
Of course, I would also make it so now it takes a longer time to detonate all kinds of bombs, and being able to reduce the time between placing the bomb and detonation with Charge Time Reduction, and for the weapons that currently give you less movement speed when you charge the, I would just make it so they give you a temporal movement speed reduction for some seconds after placing them.
I feel this would make bombs a bit more fun to use and versatile than what they are currently.