How to key bind Shift key?

1 respuesta [Último envío]
Imagen de Jenovasforumchar

Not really new here, but I guess this is the correct place for this question:

Is there a way to assign the Shift key in your controlls?

In many other games, Shift is often used as the dodging or shielding key and it would be really convenient, if this specific key (more precisely the left Shift key) could be used to controll your character in Spiral Knights.

Simply trying to assign it in options doesn't work. Unless there is a special trick to it, it will not work on the most direct and easiest way.

So is there a trick to assign it ingame? Or how can it be bypassed by writing something in the local files?

Hope you can help me with this one :)


Imagen de Jenovasforumchar

So I stumbled across the solution myself today:

Having Shift assigned to modifier does silently block shift from beeing able to get used elsewhere.

Other keys will give you a warning message when you use them, but for shift beeing used in modifiers, it doesnt give any info... weird.