Change Amputator Sword Line Damage Type+Remove buff against slimes.

7 replies [Last post]

Let's be honest with everyone here. It doesn't do much. Other than being a waste of resources compared to other swords of a similar calibre and having the novelty of being a chainsaw sword, the Amputator is mostly useless.

But it doesn't have to be that way. There is one damage type that has gone mostly untouched in the Brandish: Piercing.

Yes is my suggestion is to make the Amputator into the piercing member of the brandish line of swords, instead of that weird uncle no one likes.

Does this mean flourish will be left to the wayside? No, once again. The damage of both could be buffed to put them on par with the Archon.

But that will make the game too easy? No, once again. This is a change I suggest based entirely around the difficulty of the Shadow Lairs.

What about the Slime damage buff? It'll be useless!
That's... the point. Remove it if you will, but it's not needed.

I'd think I'd be a better contribution that way. Having a chainsaw sword would be nice. Having one that can make a pelt out of any wolvers and lizards and tearing through fiends like Doomguy would be really neat.

Anyway, thank you for reading my TED talk.

double post

double post, sorry for the inconvencience.

Holy-Nightmare's picture
The Amputator fills a unique

The Amputator fills a unique role in that it's an all around viable sword, never top tier but with the power of a Brandish and Normal damage it can work as a budget option in any given situation

If a Piercing damage Brandish was to be created it'd have to be a different aesthetic from the Amputator, likely something along the lines of a sword covered with growing crystals... the description and design of the amputator and previous blades just don't fit for a piercing weapon

That's not to say a Pierce Brandish is a bad idea, it's just not going to be the Amputator being reworked to make it

The-Ancient-One's picture


It's a butter knife. It's like. You have gran faust/acheron balancing, right? It's not on that balance track at all, because those are broken due to having specialized damage. Then you've got leviathan blade, turbillion, etc. and it has a "special feature" that does nothing- the slime boost. This special feature naturally means it has to do less damage on top of being on the wimpier balance side... which puts it at cold iron vanquisher with a brandish charge.

The problem is that it can function slightly, so you make it work, and now you're like "look I did it!" and yes, you did it in spite of the weapon.


I think it can get its damage raised to Acheron's level, and its type changed to piercing, but it should keep the Slime buff because that's what makes it unique. In order to balance out this additional bonus, the damage for glacius/combuster/voltedge should be raised to the same level of Amputator, while Acheron's can be raised slightly above that because it has no additional bonus effect. And the additional Slime damage will be great for Amputator to balance out the drawback that piercing is relatively weak against Slimes.

Thats-Rough-Buddy's picture

"I think it can get its damage raised to Acheron's level, and its type changed to piercing, but it should keep the Slime buff because that's what makes it unique"

Now I see why the devs don't take player suggestions....


They do take suggestions, but usually just the bad ones.

Sherlotta's picture
amputator should just make a

amputator should just make a BRGRGRGRGRGRGRGRGRGRGR noise like a chainsaw insta buff