I know ALOT of people including me has quit the game since a long while back because the tax is a HIGH RISK.
Not many has time to sit and advertise all day on the items they wanna sell.
if you want to sell something worth 500k then it will cost you alot depending on the amount of time u want it on the AH, as it's unfair that others has it there for 48hours and you 24hours the competition is cruel. 48 hours is unecesserely, and the price is even worse.
500k listing 2days = 50k! that's 10% of the total profit, and if it dont sell cus it completely depends on demand which is rn cus nobody can sell anything very hard to get people to buy, any old players who are strong dont need it, and any new player dont stay long enough cus they cant earn fast enough cash to get strong without getting carried.
500k listing 1day which is normal in most games = 37,500 FEE. if you do this 10 days in a row without a sale then ur down 375,000 and u only get to earn 125k, and 10% is TAKEN UPON SALE ASWELL!? so 50k LESS THEN THAT 75k PROFIT after 10days of trying.
The statistics of anyone placing it more then once or twice and giving up and keeping it and never making a sale is Way higher then it should be. the Extreme Tax Fraud is BAD FOR THE GAME, and BAD FOR THE ECONOMICS!
The fee of placing something for 500k is say at 2 Days, best hopes of sale from this dead game..
500k=50k Listing fee (The listing fee is refunded upon sale; a fee of 10% of the sale price will be taken.
so if you list something for 50k you get it back when it is sold, but then 50k is again taken for the fee of the sale..
it's scamming us hard workers, what are we even paying for ?
ASWELL 50k = 4runs in vanaduke Elite so only strong players can do this btw, but it takes 4 entire vanaduke runs to earn just the FEE of what you want to sell, and theres only a CHANCE, so if it's not sold you lose all 5 runs and have to do 5 MORE runs to put it on Auction House AGAIN.
Thats ALOT of TAX for just to make 1 good sale. its too much unecesserely work. If you just removed that tax system all in one swoop, or made the tax ONLY when u make a sale and dont also SCAM us for just placing things on Auction house peoplke would actually play the game, use the auction house and not other trashy discord servers with no System what so ever related to the game. aswell they just dont get back on the game till they get something sold cus then they got money they can spend. (boom buys something for 300k hoping to flip it, turns poor cus that was 30 long time consuming runs on vanaduke. and then just ends up losing all kinda of profits from placing it on ah with no sale 6 times..
Just remove the Tax on the auction house, the game is dead enough as it is, if you do this then players slowly but surely within the year if they are informed, they will come back to try and sell stuff comfterable without feeling scammed. aswell maybe even playing and then making the game alive once more. PLEASE PLEASE "REMOVE TAX IN AUCTION HOUSE!"
PLease thumbs up if you agree. it's a Long unecesserely rant but the focus on the title I think we all can agree on is what we all are thinking.
No, Taxes are a good thing. I won't go too into detail but the Auction House sinks tons of crowns daily. This is good for the economy, because without good currency sinks everyone would just endlessly build items and money, which would lead to hyper inflation. This has happened before in many other MMOs. Where there is so much money in circulation that the value of said money is extremely low and prices have to be very high to counteract this.
This is very bad for newcomers and those who farm a lot. While the negative effects won't be immediately noticeable, removing the Auction House Tax is a bad idea. It would also get players spamming the house with bad deals more often which would lead to a lot more clutter in the House.
Honestly, if an item went unsold 10 times in a row it's 100% the price you were listing it at. It usually doesn't take much to get items sold in the Auction House. When an item goes unsold people usually price check and adjust their prices accordingly, then they sell it no problem.
As a Merchant I made sure to know prices before listing anything and I have made loads of good sales with minimal effort. I can show you screenshots if you want. Unsolds are pretty rare for me.