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weapon ultimate forms

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Portrait de Slyqouta

I propose that once a weapon reaches max level at 5 star (were just going to imagine there a radiants o'plenty) it can be upgraded to a ultimate form, much like the battle sprites and to be ready for a potential tier 4. so strap in this is going to be a long one.

some things carried over from battle sprites are:
-2 options for the upgrade
-they will need a ultimate upgrade crystal of some sort, for, say at the cost of 1000 energy.

---the 2 upgrade options will be "combo master" or "overcharge" lets use (CM) and (OC) as abbreviations

-- combo master usually applies a status on normal attacks or a guaranteed status at the end of a combo as well as a slight damage buff.

-bombs are able to drop uncharged bombs like the old old oooold days, but they only do half the damage, the amount of bombs droppable vary from weapon to weapon.

--overcharge adds multiple levels of charge and the final level of charge has a new ability, under charging does a weaker faster charge attack
-the usual rules are:

-the first charges is really fast, the second or third charge are normal charge time and the last charge is special but takes about 2.5 times longer to charge

-many bombs dont usually do that little stutter step, level 1 charge is the standard bomb, level 2 charge is bomb roll or throw, it takes longer to explode but adds range, if possible they may rip data from the alchemer's ricochet for having it roll off things, level 3 takes a LONG time to charge but the bomb explodes very quickly.

-many guns can fire the charge attack while moving unless its a lengthy attack.

-swords do something fancy but keep the stop.



---rigadoon/ famberge lines

-(CM) as the combo goes on the status chance increases, with the finisher guaranteeing fire/stun + slight damage bonus.( it was going to be a status special status were the first hit buffs you for 3 seconds, the second buffs for 2 seconds and the finisher would buff you to have garneted fire/stun for 5 seconds but that might be very hard to code.)

-(OC) level 1-2 charges are just the amount of strong pokes, level 3 gives a defense buff for 2 seconds( the duration of the charge attack) and level 4 is guaranteed fire

---final flourish

-(CM) the second and third swings have a chance to inflict slow on the target, inflicts speed when hitting friendly players/monsters + a little extra damage(if I remember correctly I think a look at what the pillow statusing allies may be the key to coding this)

-(OC) the rigadoon/ flamberge but with level 4 is a extra 4 seconds of defense on top of level 3 defense.

--- barbarous thorn blade

-(CM) same as the final flourish

-(OC) only has 2 charges, level 1 charge is the normal one but slightly faster , level 2 gives defence for 4 seconds and allows the barbs to destroy projectiles.( it was going to be pure damage maskeraith spike but that may be a bit too powerful)

-brandish lines

-(CM) can inflict status on regular hit+ a little extra damage

-(OC) level 1 charge is the 3 star brandish charge but faster, level 2 is the normal 5 star brandish charge, level 3-4 charge locks the player in place and as they do a volley of 2-3 5 star charge attacks as if it were a combo.


-(CM) all the regular moves can inflict heart attack status(like from the cat battle sprite) + extra damage

-(OC) level 1charge is the 3 star brandish burst but with heart attack, level 2 same as level 1 but with the 5 star burst, level 3 is the level 2 burst followed by the knight holding it in front of them and charging forward causing defense down and hitting multiple times(as a chainsaw blade may do), there will be a small vortex bomb effect on the end of the blade to make a skewer effect.

-its all basically just the amputator but without the status


-(CM) the first two swings whirls pull the the enemy towards the knight, the last one has big knockback. + generally extra damage

-(OC) level 1 is just a strong normal swing, level 2 is the standard charge attack, level 3 is basically sending a electron bomb with chip damage the direction you swing it.


-(CM) increased status chance, + extra damage

-(OC) level 1 is a faster standard charge. level 2-5 can leave status tortodrone crystals for 2-6 seconds, 1 per charge. it charges relatively fast from level 1.

---warmaster rocket hammer

-(CM) the swings can now deal a slight chance of minor stun, + extra damage)

-(OC) level 1-2 charge, how many slams that are a bit faster, level 3 does the slide followed by throwing a hammer and gives defense for the slams.

---divine avenger

-(CM) can now deal slight chance of minor stun. + extra damage

-(OC) level 1 is the 4 star single sword charge, level 2 is the normal charge attack. level 3 the knight slashes down and leaves a 6 tile long beam in front of them.

---gran faust

-(CM) better curse chance and + extra damage

-(OC) you no longer get cursed by your own blade, level 1 is the normal charge but slightly faster, level 2 is 3 sword beams.

---dread venom striker

-(CM) extra poison chance + extra damage

-(OC) level 1 is the normal charge, level 2 charge does defense down too, level 3 charge does defense +attack down, when paired with poison it should be effective.

---wild hunting blade

-(CM) functionally the maskeraiths ultimate that sends needles from one enemy to another, instead of needles its the phantom wolves, + damage up.

-(OC) level 1= normal charge effect, level 2 has a small vortex effect in front of the knight to keep the target in striking distance, level 3 charge has the vortex and deals attack down to keep you save while attacking.

--- fang of vog

-(CM)increase element chance as the combo goes on, defeated enemies may turn into burning oil puddle(a modified heart attack) + slight damage up.

-(OC) level 1 charge= normal charge attack with no chance of burning, level 2-4 makes the burning orbs like the drakons second move and vanaduke, 1 orb per charge.( the higher the charge the more likely you ignite yourself)

---leviathan blade, pillow, celestial saber

-(CM) deals a modified heart attack status that drops attack orbs, + damage up.

-(OC) level 1-3 are regular charges with the level being the number of hits/ speed from high (lvl1) to standard(lv3 since it can hit 3 times already) the level 4 charge expands the knights hit box and functionally turns them into a damage reflect cube from the treasure vault for a moment.

---cold iron vanquisher

-(CM) all swings have a very small chance to deal bind like the apocriptha arms, and a modified heart attack to drop defense orbs + damage up.

-(OC) level 1 charge= faster regular charge attack, level 2 charge= 2 rounds of spinning, level 3 charge= the first spin sucks in enemies quickly, then the spin changes direction and does 2 spins, this works because of the lack of knock bac on this swords charge attack.



---antigua lines

-(CM) pure damage maskeraith spikes.

-(OC) level 1 charge= just the powered up volley , no bird, level 2 charge the standard charge attacks) level 3 charge= just a powered up bird/ tendrils( level 1 and 2 make you stay in place, you can shoot level 3 while moving.

--- alchemer lines/wand

-(CM) 4 shots per clip, + damage up

-(OC) level 1 charge=4 star fast charge shot, level 2 charge= regular charge, level 3 overcharge=1 extra bounce. level 4 overcharge, 2 extra bounces
( level 1-3 you can run and gun, level 4 will take a long time to charge and stop for a moment to fire

---neutralizer/ biohazard

-(CM) orbs expand when in orbit, this should help with the charge hitting, + damage up

-(OC) level 1 charge= big shot explodes orbs and begins to orbit, level 2 charge=no bullet, instead it makes a radius ring around the knight that explodes all friendly orbs in its area, ring lasts for about 6 seconds.( you can run and gun, charge is still fast)

---polaris/ supernova,permafroster, wild fire

-(CM) faster shot expansion, +slight damage up.

-(OC) can run and gun all charges, level 1 charge= standard charge attack, level 2 charge fire a big shot that expands again.)

---magnus lines

-(CM) run and gun+ damage up

-(OC)stay in place for a moment, each charge has a fast big shot, level 2 charge= 2 shots with better freeze, stun or knockback.

---autogun lines

-(CM) slow run and gun instead of being planted in place, + damage

-(OC) level 1 charge= regular attack charge, level 2 charge allows slow turning mid charge, level 3 charge fires all the bullets at once like a shot gun (all thes pant you in place for a moment.

---blaster lines

-(CM) each shot landed gives a 1 second of speed, +general gun damage up damage up

-(OC)slow run and gun with a powered up clip, 1-3 charges= charge level is the amount of congruent shots fired.


-(CM) fires 2 shots per punch, punch can do stun, + damage up

-(OC) fast charge, level 1-3 charge= is the amount of crystals launched, level 4 is a powered up average crystals, level 5 overcharge has 2 extra crystals. ( level 1 charge has now land back twirl and can be shot regularly.

--- orbit guns

-(CM) increased status chance + damage up

-(OC) charge level= how many shots in a volley, only has 2 charges.



--- all bomb combo master: can instantly drop a less powerful bomb, the normal limit is up to 3 that do 45% of the damage.

---all bombs overcharge :level 1= regular bomb with now stagger step,level 2 charge= 2 times the charge time, can roll or throw bombs ( they either ricochets or hit and drop respectively, also detonates really slowly) and level 3 charges= 3 times the charge time, the knight slams the bomb on the ground making it explode faster and make it do 1.5 times damage..

---mist bombs

-(CM) can drop 3 small bombs, mist area of said bombs is 1.5 by 1.5 tiles.

-(OC) standard overcharge, type: roll

---shard bombs

-(CM) can drop 3 small bombs, they explode into a third of the shards of a regular bomb.

-(OC) standard overcharge, type: throw

---nitronome/ irontech destroyer

-(CM) can drop 3 small bombs , nitro has a blast radius of 1.5 by 1.5 tiles and destroyer is 2 by 2 tiles

-(OC) standard overcharge, type: roll

---big angry bomb

-(CM) can drop 2 small bombs with a blast radius of 2.5 by 2.5 tiles

-(OC) standard overcharge, type roll

---vortex bombs

-(CM) can from 2 bombs with a suction radius of 1.5 by 1.5 tiles.

-(OC) standard overcharge, type throw, bomb drops to what it hits

--- heavy deconstuctor

-(CM) can drop 3 bombs, same radius as the gremlins.

-(OC) type: throw, can do stun if the throw hits something and drops 4 medium bombs , has a long level 2 charge.


Well that certainty was long.... thank you for reading it, any feedback or suggested changes or ideas would be appreciated! and I hope you have a good day and or night. =]