[Entry Thread] 2020 Festive Frills! Deadline 24 December 11.59pm

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Hera's picture
Game Master

Entries only here please. Comments and questions should be in the main thread here

Hatn's picture
Frosty Scarf

Knight Name: Hatn
Twitter Handle: N/A
Creation Link: https://i.imgur.com/Nz9mS1l.jpg
Creation Link: https://i.imgur.com/AwrryXk.jpg
Creation Link: https://i.imgur.com/qJpRk8F.jpg
Final Display Link: https://i.imgur.com/HVFwl7Q.jpg
Runner-up Prize preference: Green Flying Snipe

My submission

Knight Name: The-Legend-Soldier

I don't have twitter

Links to Images: http://imgur.com/gallery/HJfl7Wf

Preferred runner-up prize: Dusker Slippers

My entry!

Knight Name: Sar-Er
Twitter Handle: N/A
Creation Link: https://imgur.com/a/3KdxPmb
Creation Link: https://imgur.com/a/dkgm82d
Creation Link: https://imgur.com/a/GdqtUhg
Final Display Link: https://imgur.com/a/MSp7ytw
Runner-up Prize preference: Green Flying Snipe

Santer-Samurai's picture
The deadly Christmas!

Knight Name: santer-samurai
Twitter Handle: ----------------
Creation Link: https://imgur.com/a/8jE2eX0
Creation Link: https://imgur.com/a/VJxaHF8
Creation Link: https://imgur.com/a/GCj4o7s
Final Display Link: https://imgur.com/a/0gyuM3a
Runner-up Prize preference: divine pom pom snow hat (and if i win i like the pom pom better than the aura, sorry hera XD)

Three of the most dangerous beings on cradle united by the string of fate (yes this was an actual string we found on haven), the royal jelly covered itself on festive lights! (Disclaimer: do not try to put lights on angry jellies, trust us, we couldn't wash all the slime of the armor till yesterday) the twins got some joyful modifications! (Disclaimer: illegal modifications of the crimson order's property may result on lawsuits, special thanks to our lawyer barry for helping us win the case on court) and the ashen lord who takes the Christmas spirit to another level! (Note: use heatproof equipment while trying to put a hat on a fire giant, the recon squad in charge of that learned this the hard way) enjoy the Christmas with this lovely decoration!

My entry :)

Knight Name: Barbaricslayer
Twitter Handle: N/A
Creation Link - materials: https://imgur.com/a/H4AZDCe
Creation Link – in-progress: https://imgur.com/a/HKakeyM
Creation Link - finished: https://imgur.com/a/bUbA9Sv
Final Display Link: https://imgur.com/a/ZMCuMDj
Runner-up Prize preference: Dusker Slippers

If possible, can I request to have the runner-up prize if I end up winning. :)

Maerry's picture
Maerry Christmas!

I don't have a Christmas tree but I do have a small plant in my room :D
I forgot to post my work in progress but have a small guide!

Knight Name: Maerry
Twitter Handle: @MaerryHearts
Creation link:

  • Concept - with name card
  • Concept - Closer look
  • Final Display links:

  • Final Display - Front view
  • Final Display - Side view
  • Final Display - Back view(looks very clumsy, sorry)
  • Runner-up Prize preference: Divine Pom Pom Snow Hat > Green Flying Snipe > Dusker Slippers > Polar Halo > Divine Halo

    My entry all DONE!

    Knight Name: Genoshinji

    Creation Link: https://imgur.com/a/1zhJhz2

    Creation Link: https://imgur.com/a/NStg7wq

    Creation Link: https://imgur.com/a/0U8Qxbo

    Final Display Link: https://imgur.com/a/sXbVg9d

    Runner-up Prize preference: Polar halo (ok but if I do actually win, please can I have the polar halo instead of the aura :D)

    Finished Ornament Entry

    (The lighting on the final is just my phone camera, sorry!)

    Knight Name: Drakonkiller

    Material Link: https://imgur.com/a/jFek0LW

    Creation Link: https://imgur.com/a/2obUKJu

    Creation Link: https://imgur.com/a/JyjAtbD

    Final Display Front: https://imgur.com/a/DH48jp7

    Final Display Side: https://imgur.com/a/tMbAHFP

    Final Display Back: https://imgur.com/a/orSZq4y
    (sorry its 3 dimensional work)

    Runner-Up/Winning Prize Preference: Dusker Slippers

    Electroburst's picture

    Knight Name: Electroburst
    Creation Link: https://imgur.com/p6WulXj
    Creation Link: https://imgur.com/tSZXqQO traced a gremlin onto a single square of 2-ply toilet paper, cut out. TP is wood right? Let's use wood glue.
    Creation Link: https://imgur.com/kfrMxyw multi-step process of gluing half the gremlin, stuffing with used (to blow my nose) toilet paper, couple drops of glue, stuffing, glue, stuffing, glue, glue, glue. Wood glue wasn't the best decision.
    Final Display Link: https://imgur.com/b0VI8ru hung from a festive stalk of bamboo
    Runner-up Prize preference: Dusker Slippers (even if I win, unless that aura changes to a twilight or blossom, which would be amazing)
    - This was a super fun project. Working with toilet paper was challenging, but a good learning experience. If I ever have to work with TP again, i'll try sewing multiple layers, and fall back on my new gluing experience if needed. I like how this ornament turned out so well, I'm going to coat it in fiberglass resin next time I use the stuff so that he lasts forever.

    Fighting-Polygon's picture
    Ghost of TP Past

    Knight Name: Fighting-Polygon
    Twitter Handle: @DrawingPolygon
    Creation Link: https://imgur.com/a/ZDxyslH
    Final Display Link: https://imgur.com/38XEwuz
    Runner-up Prize preference: Divine Pom Pom Snow Hat (if I do get first place, I'd like a Divine Pom Pom Snow Hat anyway so I can rub it in Lego's face hahahahahahaha)

    Something tickled me about a Hera made out of purely toilet paper, so there you go. I'm super proud how it turned out, since TP and water is all you need to make a 3D figure out of it (plus a heater to make things go faster).

    Legobuild's picture
    Chroma in a prize box!

    Knight Name: Legobuild
    Twitter Handle: @Lego2build
    Creation Link: https://imgur.com/a/BWnn0Vg
    Final Display Link: https://i.imgur.com/ofbYelp.jpeg
    Runner-up/Winning Prize preference: Divine Pom Pom Snow Hat

    This was pretty challenging, I think I pulled out all the tricks to use on toilet paper... water and flour as a base to hold the box parts together, just water on some parts so it wouldn't fray apart, let it dry, glue to hold a bit of glitter on, paint to give it a pop and make the chroma look more chroma-y. It was fun, now i'm just hoping to get that sweet divine pom pom snow hat!


    Knight name: Yatez
    Twitter handle: N/A

    Creation Link #1: https://imgur.com/a/dX9XNc4
    Creation Link #2: https://imgur.com/a/49DXPtd
    Creation Link #3: https://imgur.com/a/IsCLlOL

    Final Display: https://imgur.com/a/EPQm42S

    Runner-up/Winner prize: Polar Halo

    Hard to see in the images but both were made in 3-D with multiple layers of TP :). btw sharpies & tp dont mix well trust me


    Knight Name: Night-Of-Zero

    Creation Link 1: https://imgur.com/a/qrBsfZI
    Toilet paper, pen & pencil, ruler, calculator holder, medicine measuring cup, glue, shiny thing to hold it, shiny thin plastic to flatten it in gluey wet form, 4 nail polish, & scissors

    Creation Link 2: https://imgur.com/a/quRv7MY
    Here its been molded with glue and water into a flat form and sketched on for a rough outline. Various measurements are on there such as the rate of pixels to millimeters to aid in cutting it out later.

    Creation Link 3: https://imgur.com/a/VW25vuk

    Final Display Link 4: https://imgur.com/a/UxFbyeW

    Runner-up Prize preference: Dusker Slippers (also if I get 1st)

    Took roughly 7 hours to make, across all 3 tests. Getting the glue to water consistency and how to layer the toilet paper was a pain, but it worked out!

    Genieiskewl's picture

    Knight Name: genieiskewl
    Creation Link: https://i.imgur.com/BLGkLGc.jpg
    Creation Link: https://i.imgur.com/WpCaGjV.jpg
    Creation Link: https://i.imgur.com/VyOX3Pr.jpg
    Final Display Link: https://i.imgur.com/XPaxrGW.jpg
    Runner-up Prize preference: polar halo