Which character gets the Steam Knight Mask?

1 respuesta [Último envío]
Imagen de Ashlevon

Topic. Invited a friend to play through the Steam integration menu with my second knight, and was rewarded the Spark of Life as normal. However when I checked my first knight, it also got the Spark of Life (though I couldn't redeem it, since I had already done so with the second knight), plus mail that stated that my friend was automatically added to my first knight's friends list, but not to my second knight's friends list.

This actually worries me a bit because I'd rather receive the Steam Knigth Mask on my second knight rather than my first knight. Does anyone know which knight actually receives the Mask? Does every knight you have on your account receive the Mask? Is it unbound when you receive it, as to be able to trade it if it's the wrong knight? I haven't found any answers for this question, and answers would be extremely appreciated.

Imagen de Bopp
sorry; don't know

Sorry. I don't know. I'm responding just because no one else has. Contact tech support?