General Prize Box Rerun Wishlist for 2021-2022

So with the rerelease of the Gem Prize Boxes this year, I thought that we could help keep the good coming with some Prize Box suggestions to go along with the Gem ones. I want to use this post for a similar function as the Flash Sales suggestion thread last year. Feel free to post what you would like to see rerun over these next 2 years, and who knows? Maybe GH will actually bring them back. I will not be including boxes that seem to occur regularly such as the Equinox Prize Box.
Here are my picks: (I will list them in order from most desired down)
-****Confection Prize Box****
-Stranger Prize Box (The regular colors, not Bejeweled)
-Stormy Prize Box
-Extraordinary Prize Box
-Gourmet Prize Box
-Rage Prize Box
-Nemesis Prize Box
-Construct Prize Box
-Disguise Prize Box
-Rooster Prize Box
-Spritely Prize Box
-Almire Furniture Box
Spritely Prize Box
Owlite Archaeology Prize Box
Rooster Prize Box
Stranger Prize Box
Bejeweled Stranger Prize Box
Aerodynamic Prize Box
Cozy Prize Box
*Chef Prize Box
**Divine Prize Box
Stormy Prize Box
Frenzy Prize Box
Owlite Archaeology Prize Box
Spritely Prize Box
spritely, owlite archaeology, stranger, splash -og trunks/sarong-, raider, katastrophic or w,e spelled, the Guild hall furniture promo thingy, and og aerodynamic thiing too, items i wanna see on AH, more 1of its type prismatics, battle spritesm rare auras, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand a sewyy figure
ps sewyy is the best.
also add some boxes -- Lovely prize box -- during valentine

I was actually thinking about sending this list to GH in a week or two, since when that happened with the FS thread, they actually implemented a good amount of the suggested items, which is great. I will figure that out over these next 2 weeks. Since we are on this subject, I like the idea of implementing both the Gourmet and Confection Prize Boxes into a single box. Maybe they could reduce the mixer drop a little, to keep some of the rarity, but keep the rest of the items as they are. I also like how you guys all seem to want similar boxes, as that makes things a little easier on my side :)
Chef Prize box for the 10th Anniversary!!
Moorcroft Prize Box
Almire Furniture Box
Hazardous Prize Box
Plunge Prize Box
Rooster Prize Box
CozyTech Prize Box

Or we could ask for like.
A new level.
Some new danger rooms?
Lets not get too crazy now.

I would like to see
-Spritely Prize Box
-Gourmet Prize Box*
-Confection Prize Box*
-Moorcroft Prize Box
-Guild Hall Prize Box
* this can be merged to one prizebox
My only concern with rerunning a box like confection is the percent chance. As it stands currently, the mixmaster (300ke+ gun) is a 5% slot chance from that box. Every game always seems to have that one item (could be multiple), that are super sought after and very expensive. Rerunning that box would not only upset those who already own the gun (upset is the only pg reaction I can put here) , but also ruin the lore and history behind it being the most expensive weapon in the game. If you do feel the need to rerun the box, please please please just lower the percentage equal or even preferably lower than the orbitgun percentage. That way the general community can be happy they got the box, and the current mixmaster owners can be less upset because some of the rarity is preserved. 5% is way to high for an item like that.
better yet, just re run gourmet prize box and not confection and solve everyone's issues

Re: Confection or whatever box people don't want to be rerun with their (good) original rates
People have a false sense of security in the value of their items. When Confection first came around, it was agreed to be around 20ke for Mixer, over time people began to appreciate Mixer and so the price went up, however right now it is absurdly expensive (over 300ke, averaging around 350ke, which is about $700) to buy from another player. This isn't realistic for 99% of players, so people are turned away from even attempting to get a Mixer, a Confection rerun (with original rates) would do more good than harm, especially for Grey Havens financially, as it would be more accessible for people to obtain, inciting more people to spend to obtain one.
Besides, did people not learn after Flash Sales that Grey Havens value items less than the player markets do for the most part? Look at Prismatic Scarf and Fiery Aura.
Really, asking for Confection to not rerun or (a personally more offensive viewpoint,) to rerun with nerfed Mixer rates is cope, but that's just my two cents.
I have to agree with Gome.
Bring them back keep rates same and lets profit this company. :)

ok rerelease pirates so I can stock up on buccaneer eyepatches (I'm buying em rn if anyone reads this) and raiders so i can stock up on braided plumes (im also buying em rn if anyone reads this) and wild running so i can buy a lovepuppy. also rerelease uhhh owlite so i can buy shadow owlite ear feathers (I'm buying em rn if anyone reads this) and dangerous so I can buy a dangerous sideblade (I'm buying it rn) and hazardous so i can buy a hazardous vitakit (I'm buying it rn).
hell yeah sell me mah shttt

Watergoose wants Cozy! Slippers are nice and cuddly UwU

Definitely would love spritely as many others! Confection could be fun. More guild hall item boxes!
Spritely Box
Surge Box
Stormy Box
The Surprise Boxes, we didn't see last year *sniff* :(
Polar Box
Owlite Archaeology Boxes
The Kleptolisk Box the npc's tease me in haven with everyday
Be fun to see some of the old boxes, surge hasn't been out since 2013 o_o"

my last post was just venting so heres my actual list lol
List in order, most wanted at the top
Spritely Prize Box
Confection Prize Box
Buccaneer's Booty Box
Flowertech Prize Box
Raiders Prize Box
Owlite Archaeology Box
Grey Prize Box

I'd like to see the blooming and stormy boxes again, not to mention surprise boxes (why did those stop?)
Splash /Plunge / Summertech pls

Splash re-run we want SOAKERS! Also a green sprite would be nice! :D

Alright my dudes, I have sent the list off to GH. We shall see what happens, but I am hopeful that, like with the Flash Sales suggestions thread, GH will take these into consideration and, fingers crossed, put some of them out!
Thanks for all of your suggestions,
Yeah I would love to see:
Spritely Prize Box
Owlite Archaeology Prize Box
Disguise Prize Box
Rooster Prize Box
Stranger Prize Box
Bejeweled Stranger Prize Box
Aerodynamic Prize Box
Cozy Prize Box
*Chef Prize Box
**Divine Prize Box
*I would not like to see Confection/Gourmet ran by themselves since they're such small boxes and there isn't that many items to get. Maybe both of them can be merged into a single box? Chef Prize Box or something.
**We still don't have recolor costumes for divine items and whatnot. This would require a game update but would be very welcome. Perhaps could add some sort of Divine Aura(like the one seen on Skolver, but a bit more pronounced) in the box as well.
Extraordinary contains a lot of items that drop from lockboxes so it would be best if the contents of that box were tweaked a little as well.