It takes a REALLY long time to gather heat for weapons. Is there somewhere i can grind that gives a good amount of heat?
Heat Gathering
Wed, 02/02/2011 - 10:08
Legacy Username
Wed, 02/02/2011 - 11:26
1 Level Iteming is Key
I completed about 5 to 7 weapons when I was doing it mutiple (swords, Guns, Armor, Shields, and Helms) which took me a very long time, and just recently I attempted to the 1 item training process did about 2 runs, and my helm is at level 6.
Wed, 02/02/2011 - 16:39
Legacy Username
I tend to find the green
I tend to find the green levels (Emerald Axis, etc.) give a ton of heat, regardless of tier, but that might just be my experience.
I recently realized that it was particularly slow for me because I was trying to level multiple items at once. You might want to only equip one item at a time to be leveled. It doesn't take any less time overall, but it's certainly more satisfying. Plus with a few leveled items it may let you go to deeper levels that provide more heat.