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📦 Rakaraka's Warehouse 📦🛒 - Open for Business!

2 replies [Last post]
Rakaraka's picture


If you are interested in anything please contact Rakaraka
IGN: Rakaraka
Discord: Scolon#4128


  • All prices listed are buyouts and I'm open to offers and negotiation.
  • If you're looking to get items for cheap, move on. I sell all my items at median market prices and will not be entertaining any lowballs.
  • I can hold items if you can give me a date in which you will have said money or if not, you agree to pay more.
  • I do not do loans, if you need to get something and time is an issue I'd much rather hold an item for you.
  • I accept Silver Keys and Lockboxes as payment
  • I did not bother listing any super low items like bolted vees, if you're looking for those kinds of items feel free to ask if I have it.
  • Most Hallow & Frosty Items have been removed from my list of wares

__________FEATURED WANT TO SELL__________

I am willing to buy just about anything for the right price, I am particularly interested in bulk buying Costumes/Accessories and especially less expensive ones and more common drops from current Prize Boxes. Do hit me up if you have anything you're looking to get rid of for a quick buck!
__________WANT TO SELL__________

    Armor Ankle

    Armor Aura

    Armor Back

    Armor Front
    -Military Node Container

    Armor Rear
    -Wicked Doggie Tail

    Helmet Back
    -Dusky Ribbon
    -Garnet Plume
    -Prismatic Scarf
    -Slumber Plume

    Helmet Front
    -Dazed Helm-Mounted Display
    -Dusky Knight Vision Goggles
    -Fancy Vented Visor
    -Garnet Helm-Mounted Display
    -Military Monocle
    -Regal Knight Vision Goggles
    -Regal Party Blowout
    -Regal Targeting Module
    -Slumber Dapper Combo

    Helmet Side
    -Gold Rose
    -Slumber Vertical Vents

    Helmet Top
    -Garnet Bolted Vee
    -Glacial Maid Headband
    -Slumber Headband
    -Slumber Maid Headband
    -Slumber Toupee
    -Wicked Headlamp


    Costume Helm
    -Garnet Fur Cap
    -Garnet Pith Helm
    -Garnet Plate Helm
    -Garnet Round Helm
    -Garnet Sallet
    -Garnet Scale Helm
    -Garnet Winged Helm
    -Serene Pith Helm
    -Serene Sallet
    -Serene Tailed Helm
    -Slumber Crescent Helm
    -Slumber Fur Cap
    -Slumber Pith Helm
    -Slumber Plate Helm
    -Slumber Round Helm
    -Slumber Winged Helm

    Costume Armor
    -Candy Striped Onesie
    -Electric Draped Armor
    -Electric Raiment
    -Festively Striped Onesie
    -Flashy Winter Pullover
    -Garish Winter Pullover
    -Garnet Brigandine
    -Garnet Cuirass
    -Garnet Culet
    -Garnet Flak Jacket
    -Garnet Fur Coat
    -Garnet Plate Mail
    -Garnet Raiment
    -Garnet Scale Mail
    -Gaudy Winter Pullover
    -Holly Striped Onesie
    -Joyous Striped Onesie
    -Primal Kat Suit
    -Serene Brigandine
    -Serene Cuirass
    -Serene Culet
    -Slumber Brigandine
    -Slumber Cloak
    -Slumber Cuirass
    -Slumber Culet
    -Slumber Draped Armor
    -Slumber Flak Jacket
    -Slumber Fur Coat
    -Slumber Plate Mil
    -Slumber Raiment
    -Slumber Scale Mail
    -Wicked Cuirass
    -Wicked Culet
    -Wicked Draped Armor
    -Wicked Plate Mail
    -Wicked Raiment


Rakaraka's picture

Prismatic Glow-Eyes 9,000 energy 2/2/2021
Fiend Sol Glyph x2 800cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Fiendish Ur Glyph x3 1,200cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Fiendish Tor Glyph x5 2,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Fiendish Nok Glyph x4 1,600cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Fiendish Amu Glyph x4 1,600cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Rock Salt x10 10,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Elite Sword Focus Module 140,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Regal Canteen 6,969cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Dusky Helm-Mounted Display 810cr (AH - Bid) 2/2/2021
Dusky Binocular Visor 3,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Military Mech'tennas 6,969cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Frosty Goggles 3,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Dusky Knight Vision Goggles 3,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Rock Salt x10 10,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Mod Calibrator 18,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Royal Core 1,200cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Royal Core 1,200cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Royal Skewer 1,200cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Philoso Feather x10 3,999cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Shadow Steel 1,200cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Shadow Steel 1,200cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Volcanic Iron 1,200cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Sun Silver 1,200cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Sun Silver 1,200cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Sun Silver 1,200cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Plasma Cell 1,200cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Sentinel Helm Recipe 3,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Amethyst Boutonniere 21,000cr (AH - Bid) 2/2/2021
Frosty Aero Fin 5,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Frosty Ankle Booster 50,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Regal Vitakit 21,000cr (AH - Bid) 2/2/2021
Hallow Canteen 1,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Hallow Binoculars 3,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Hallow Canteen 1,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Hallow Binoculars 3,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Hallow Barrel Belly 1,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Regal Com Unit 3,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Military Com Unit 3,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Heavy Com Unit 3,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Garnet Com Unit 6,969cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Fancy Helm Guards 520cr (AH - Bid) 2/2/2021
Dusky Mech'tennas 6,969cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Dusky Helm Guards 2,300cr (AH - Bid) 2/2/2021
Dusky Com Unit 3,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Autumn Com Unit 10,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Military Sensor Unit 1,590cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Garnet Plume 25,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Electric Plume 25,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Cool Sensor Unit 10,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Regal Knight Vision Goggles 3,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Regal Game Face 1,900cr (AH - Bid) 2/2/2021
Diamond Maid Headband 10,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Military Headlamp 1,000cr (AH - Bid) 2/2/2021
Autumn Bolted Vee 2,800cr (AH - Bid) 2/2/2021
Regal Side Blade 15,000cr (AH - Bid) 2/2/2021
Candy Striped Onesie 35,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Cool Aero Fin 5,200cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Electric Side Blade 30,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Haunted Aura 100,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Fancy Slimed Aura 86,000cr (AH - Bid) 2/2/2021
Wicked Shoulder Booster 100,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Toasty Intel Tube 7,500cr (AH - Bid) 2/2/2021
Toasty Side Blade 16,600cr (AH - Bid) 2/2/2021
Regal Side Blade 30,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Dusky Side Blade 23,000cr (AH - Bid) 2/2/2021
Military Side Blade 30,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Heavy Side Blade 30,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Fancy Side Blade 18,200cr (AH - Bid) 2/2/2021
Divine Writhing Tendrils 221,111cr (AH - Bid) 2/2/2021
Cool Side Blade 12,700cr (AH - Bid) 2/2/2021
White Boutonniere 15,100 (AH - Bid) 2/2/2021
Volcanic Barrel Belly 15,400 (AH - Bid) 2/2/2021
Toasty Parrying Blade 200,000 (AH) 2/2/2021
Fancy Canteen 1,810 (AH - Bid) 2/2/2021
Fancy Binoculars 2,100 (AH - Bid) 2/2/2021
Dusky Canteen 3,080 (AH - Bid) 2/2/2021
Dusky Binoculars 540cr (AH - Bid) 2/2/2021
Amethyst Boutonniere 35,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Violet Rose 35,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Slumber Mecha Wings 30,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Moonstone Rose 35,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Gold Rose 13,800cr (AH - Bid) 2/2/2021
Garnet Rose 15,100cr (AH - Bid) 2/2/2021
Cool Mecha Wings 30,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Toasty Ribbon 7,200cr (AH - Bid) 2/2/2021
Slumber Ribbon 5,080cr (AH - Bid) 2/2/2021
Regal Ribbon 2,180cr (AH - Bid) 2/2/2021
Military Ribbon 6,600cr (AH - Bid) 2/2/2021
Dusky Ribbon 10,600cr (AH - Bid) 2/2/2021
Heavy Ribbon 1,060cr (AH - Bid) 2/2/2021
Frosty Ribbon 1,320cr (AH - Bid) 2/2/2021
Wicked Rebreather 69,696cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Toasty Mustache 1,510 (AH - Bid) 2/2/2021
Slumber Glasses 100,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Regal Targeting Module 7,200cr (AH - Bid) 2/2/2021
Military Party Blowout 4,000cr (AH - Bid) 2/2/2021
Prismatic Stagger Star 70,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Military Glasses 80,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Garnet Glasses 60,000cr (AH - Bid) 2/2/2021
Dusky Party Blowout 2,000cr (AH - Bid) 2/2/2021
Dusky Glassses 44,000cr (AH - Bid) 2/2/2021
Dusky Giga Shades 116,000cr (AH - Bid) 2/2/2021
Dazed Glasses 37,000cr (AH - Bid) 2/2/2021
Volcanic Headlamp 19,180cr (AH - Bid) 2/2/2021
Slumber Toupee 21,080cr (AH - Bid) 2/2/2021
Glacial Spiralhorns 150,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Glacial Grand Topper 26,000cr (AH - Bid) 2/2/2021
ShadowTech Blue Snow Hat 250,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Heavy Node Slime Wall 100,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Glyphs 400cr each (AH) 2/2/2021
50x FSC Mats 400cr each (AH) 2/2/2021
Warp Dust 1,200cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Volcanic Iron 1,200cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Sun Silver 1,200cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Shadow Steel 1,200cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Royal Core 1,200cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Crest of Ur 1,200cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Fancy Munitions Pack 5,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Dusky Munitions Pack 5,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Dusky Vitakit 10,000cr (AH - Bid) 2/2/2021
Cool Munitions Pack 2,800cr (AH - Bid) 2/2/2021
Toasty Side Blade 25,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Regal Side Blade 25,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Tech OrangeCoiled Rope 50,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Aquamarine Boutonniere 20,000cr (AH - Bid) 2/2/2021
Fancy Helm Guards 3,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Dusky Helm Guards 3,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Garnet Rose 30,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Garnet Boutonniere 30,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Fancy Party Hat 4,500cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Freeze Vial Bandolier 25,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Volcanic Party Blowout 4,700cr (AH - Bid) 2/2/2021
Regal Party Blowout 1,640cr (AH - Bid) 2/2/2021
Military Party Blowout 1,500cr (AH - Bid) 2/2/2021
Heavy Party Blowout 1,500cr (AH - Bid) 2/2/2021
Dusky Party Blowout 4,500cr (AH - Bid) 2/2/2021
Frosty Shoulder Booster 35,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Frosty Wind-up Key 20,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Garnet Fur Coat 45,000cr (AH - Bid) 2/2/2021
Flashy Winter Pullover 45,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Iron Wolf Armor 60,000cr (AH) 2/2/2021
Titanium Lockbox x3 12,000cr 2/2/2021
Dusky Long Feather 25,000cr (AH) 2/3/2021
Elite Sword Focus Module 140,000cr (AH) 2/3/2021
Titanium Lockbox x3 12,000cr (AH) 2/3/2021
Rock Salt x10 10,000cr (AH) 2/3/2021
Freeze Low Magic Cloak 10,000cr (AH) 2/3/2021
Flame Soul x10 3,999cr (AH) 2/3/2021
Reaper Rib x10 3,999cr (AH) 2/3/2021
Fiendish Tor Glyph x1 400cr (AH) 2/3/2021
Heavy Razorback Pack 5,000 energy 2/3/2021
Polar Wings 500,000cr 2/4/2021
Celestial Dragon Wing 500,000cr 2/4/2021
Floating Amethyst(Unboxed) 250,000cr 2/4/2021
Amethyst Draped Armor Garnet Draped Armor 2/4/2021
Amethyst Draped Armor x4 40,000cr 2/4/2021
Slime Lockbox x10 100,000cr (AH) 2/5/2021

hi guys this is my wife

hi guys this is my wife