
A low-tech, but nonetheless well-made sword whose brutal strikes can stun unsuspecting enemies. Wielding it makes you feel like dancing.
this is for khorovod lovers only
also post ur khorovods and i will rate em...

dis my khorovod...
i rate it 5/10 rn... has no heat bonus and no atack sped...
has a nice worn grip cos i used it...

shut up yatty mixmaster is not khorovod delete post please

Heavy/slow swords are fun, and light/fast swords are fun, in a way that medium/medium swords are not.

agree with @Bopp
Ran through a gate with Voltedge and Blitz, and was mildly bored since it is poorly balanced and too op
Ran through same gate with ASI Max Wild Hunting Blade, was slower but an absolute blast. Much more engaging experience

Cold iron vanquisher is the best looking normal sword in the game, stay mad khorovod lovers.

wtf none u nobs are khorovod lovers cept mayb boppy...
post khorovod or OUT OUT OUT

also wat kinda dance u do wehn u hold da khorovod???
me is do a trditonal hoppy rope dance....
but sumtime its a nice waltz but wit mah khorobvod....
how u can dance wit it... eh?

Not super special, but it's mine so i like it
Also the description is a reference to the Russian Khorovod dance, Troika and Sudaruska names are also dances

khorovod is pretty decent in the arcade, but I found an even better use for it:

good khorovod. .. i rates solid 5/10...
crispy u are now banned from this thead

But why is its swing speed so much slower than Gran Faust/Divine Avenger
heres mine

But why is the ICE version so hard to get ? You need Krogmo coins for it. BUT, every time i check the coliseum it's empty.
mixmaster brrrrrrrrrr