Question on Slime boxes

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Bbsc's picture

OK, I am aware that slime boxes have numbers on them but when I look at tha AH, all of them are marked as QQQ and no number is being shown. Am I missing something here? Or the number can only be seen when you get one at the casino? Thanks

Fehzors-Forum-Alt's picture

QQQ is the "number". There's a wonderful reference guide somewhere but I can't be bothered to find it. That being said, QQQ contains nothing new or interesting, but does have the chance for a totem.

Bbsc's picture
Thanks. So how do I find the

Thanks. So how do I find the exact number of QQQ from AH?

Bbsc's picture
Thanks. So how do I find the

Thanks. So how do I find the exact number of QQQ from AH?

Flowchart's picture

there isn't one, all QQQ are the same

Fehzors-Forum-Alt's picture

You shouldn't judge all the QQQ boxes the same flowchart there's QQQ and QQQ and sometimes even QQQ.


QQQ is OOO crying

Bbsc's picture
By the way, does anyone know

By the way, does anyone know what are the odds of getting a totem from a QQQ box?

Bbsc's picture
I found this:

I found this:

It does not mention anything on QQQ. And I have been using silver keys on slime boxes! :(

Bbsc's picture
The thread is here: