How many whiskers does margel drop?

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Wanting to know how many whiskers drop from mar, also just wondering if its possible to ensure I have enough to get a BKR with only one dark book of rituals or do I need two? Also do alts works for getting the whisker drop in a 4 person party?

Thats-Rough-Buddy's picture
only 1 whisker drops, they

only 1 whisker drops for each joined player, they are permanently bound so alt farming will not work

only way is to find 6 margrel slots from other people and acquire 6 whiskers this way (at 3500 E per slot, watch out for scammers)


Okay so I get they are bound and that the current market price for whiskers is 2500E, if they're bound though why wouldn't you instead use the alts you had and then unbind them for only 3200E?

You didnt listen

Margrel drops 1 Whisker per Person and the Cowl for the Book owner.

This 1 Whisker is bound and will stay bound no matter how hard you try, since materials cannot be unbound.

The Average price for a Margrel Slot is 3.5ke. i've seen people above and below that price but generally its what most people take.

The only thing you can do is make Cloaks with the other Whiskers if you have Alts with you.

Which are not bound after crafting.

But its harder probably to sell those than just Slots, what you can do as an alternative is have an alt in the group which crafts your cloak later and trades it over and you yourself get 1 aswell, so you dont have to attend another run for Energy.

Bopp's picture
in my experience

How we did it in the old days was...

If you have a Book of Dark Rituals, then find three other people who have Books too. Form a group, and fight Margrel four times. The fights are challenging, so that's fun. At the end, each knight has one 5-star Black Kat helmet and four Wicked Whiskers. So each knight can get the 4-star armor (and the 5-star armor, once that knight finds two more Wicked Whiskers).