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2 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Sherlotta

i watchedz da horror mov an sudden... great beeeg ol peppo thought floatz into hed!!!!

okey... iz a new sprit... new pet!!! he moste eats da valestones u know... da gren ones... dey iz like green apples rok candi

okey okey oekeyoe

but est part is arrive!!

da new sprit is a RACOOB!!!!!!

haz strips!!! an blacc eyes!!! an beeeg ol floof tail...

yes... names iz racoob... an he phat an chub..

Portrait de Sherlotta

i watchedz da horror mov an sudden... great beeeg ol peppo thought floatz into hed!!!!

okey... iz a new sprit... new pet!!! he moste eats da valestones u know... da gren ones... dey iz like green apples rok candi

okey okey oekeyoe

but est part is arrive!!

da new sprit is a RACOOB!!!!!!

haz strips!!! an blacc eyes!!! an beeeg ol floof tail...

yes... names iz racoob... an he phat an chub..

Portrait de Sherlotta
