We Want Venom Aura!

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Rakaraka's picture

We have recently found out the true reason that Venom Aura has not appeared on the Supply Depot thanks to Yates. However, it seems that a large amount of the community does indeed want this aura to drop and are/were excited for it.

There are a couple of people saying that Venomous Aura was bugged and was supposed to have footsteps but didn't on initial release. There are also people saying that Venom aura was supposed to be the original aura. Whichever the case, most of us want to buy this aura and customize our knights with it. So please release it!

I think it is also worth nothing that some people did not buy the Regal Shroom Cap because they were saving their energy for the Venom Aura drop. While communication with us was a bit better this time, it would be beneficial to make Grey Havens' thoughts more clear when it comes to scenarios such as these. There is usually quite a bit of confusion that could have easily be resolved.

We appreciate the featured auctions and St. Patrick's Day Sales though 💖! That was fun. Thanks for giving us Lucky and Equinox Prize Boxes as well.

Gome-Xyz's picture

I think this post pretty much expresses the feelings of a good portion of the community, I think GH should reconsider their stance on this and deliver on Venom Aura. Alternatively, update Venomous aura to have footsteps and depot that instead.

Yes I agree

Green Dangerous/Hazardous costumes when



Although I understand the decision that was made, it seems weird to cancel such an anticipated item without proper notice. Word of the new aura spread like wildfire, and I personally know many people that were quickly selling their items/buying energy in order to purchase it. It's also given that many people skipped out on the regal shroom cap because of that.

Obviously, we aren't here to tell you how to run the game, but transparency (especially when it pertains to people's IRL money and/or items in-game) is necessary. I don't think the similarities between auras would have such a profound effect, as we already have many similar examples of such cases; Flame and Fiery Aura, Pigtail and Pig Tails, etc.

I think we speak for a much larger portion of the community when we humbly ask that you rethink the decision to cancel the aura.

(Also, as Raka said, thanks for everything else you've done this week, it was super fun)