If an attack hits my shield, it should be blocked, at least partially
I have a shield. When I'm not holding it in front of me it's either in my left hand or my back. You'd think it would protect you even a little bit in those positions, but it doesn't.
Now, when I'm not holding it in front of me I'm not bracing, so I can see it not providing it's full blocking power, but it should do *something*. When my shield is in my left hand and facing my left, attacks to my left side, should be muffled some, moreso the closer to the center of my shield it hits. Same thing about my rear side when I'm holding a vial and the shield is on my back.
This would make shields much more important to me than they are now.
If that's were all there was to it, it wouldn't be shield-shaped and I wouldn't hold it up in front of me when using it. It's a shield. It has some magic/energy properties, but it's a shield. If a wolver bites at it he should bump his snout, not take a chunk out of my arm.

I think it's mainly just a balancing thing.
It's not hard to hit the block button anyway.
The block button is not instant, and it forces me to forgo using a weapon. I'm just saying, if the shield is there it should actually do *something* and it doesn't make sense that it doesn't.

It does do something, it offers armour and resistances and gives you complete immunity to attacks while you're blocking.
I think it does enough already.
Now what might be interesting is that, after the force field breaks, you can still block attacks incoming from the front while blocking.

Compared to other mmos that use auto-attacking and generate damage from hidden dice rolls, SK is a fairly fast paced, twitchier game. The shield allows for an easier transition into the experience for players that don't choose fast action as their genre of choice. It's intended to be a quick save from an otherwise damaging attack that you don't need to worry about positioning in order to perform.
We have talked about a new shield type that utilizes positioning at the cost of speed and there's a few other places we could take the existing concept as well, like cooperative blocking. But right now I'm pretty happy with how they function as they're really easy to use.
Well, you block attacks with the energy field it generates, not the shield itself.