Sat, 03/27/2021 - 21:01

pls... crobus... pls...
i has asi vh punch gun an i is loisng my humanitsy every times i use it... fr....
please.... revert...
da decripstion says ONE SHOT plsss corbus plss....
im cryin fr i dont feel da PUNCH cos i not knocked over no more pls...
Mon, 05/17/2021 - 08:16

Rang-Yi I understand your
Rang-Yi I understand your pain, they removed that from the magnus line as well, "falling on the butt" after the charge was the best thing ever existed in this game.
RIP Spiral Knights.
ps. And yes, you, the developer behind this idea. We, all who used magnus line before the update, hate you. Think about it.
Anyone know what he's trying to say?
Who cares about punch gun? it's garbage anyway.