Change Krogmo Coin Boosters

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Goofio's picture

When I played SK back in 2011-2013, Lockdown was extremely active. You could find matches at all hours of the day, and play almost 24/7 if you wanted. In those days, 24-hour Krogmo Coin Boosters made sense. You could stack a bunch of boosters and grind Lockdown for the whole day to get the recipes you wanted. And iirc, I did exactly that to get the full Stagger Storm and Voltedge recipe lines.

Nowadays, it's difficult to get LD/BN matches going. There's usually only a few hours per day where you can find enough people. Therefore, it would make sense to change Krogmo Coin Boosters to work for a fixed number of matches, like 25 or 50 or something, rather than for a fixed amount of time. They could still be stackable.

I'm suggesting this because I have a bound Krogmo Coin Booster sitting in my inventory, and I'm hesitant to use it. I don't know if I will be able to find any matches in the next 24-hours, or enough matches to make it worthwhile. I feel like this must be a fairly common scenario these days.

TL;DR: Change Krogmo Coin Boosters to work for a fixed number of matches (like 25 or 50) instead of a fixed amount of time (currently 24-hours).

Kikume's picture
Good Suggestion!

You bring up a valid point.

A greatly diminished player base has made it difficult, if not impossible, for the Lockdown to queue up. In this regard, it would make more sense for Grey Havens to remove the expiration time from Krogmo Boosters, and make it valid for x number of matches.

Very good suggestion! I like it.

We need this

In my opinion, this a very necessary change, because currently it's just a pain to get krogmo coins and you can find yourself many times playing LD one or two matches and then having to wait for around 1 hour because nobody feels like filling the lobby again.

Kikume's picture
But Why Bother? It Won't Change Anything

Yep, players do bring up a lot of valid points and great suggestions that, if implemented, will greatly improve the quality of this game. But Grey Haven is not going to do anything about it so I don't really see the point.

Spiral Knights has become abandonware. It only takes Grey Haven literally a few seconds, a couple of keystrokes, to select and activate the next event. They are perfectly content rehashing the same old tired events over and over as long as the players continue to pump $$$ into those lockboxes and events.

If we are looking for a change, we might have better luck talking to a pebble in a garden than posting our suggestions here.