Thank you Spiralknights community

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Ainogommon's picture

As the thread said, this is sorta appreciation post.

I played SK since 2011 (and then quit for another game in 2015) then returned to during 2018
As I journey into my adventures, made friends. We all have an amazing time together. Some of us still hanging out until today.
When I look back, the thing that kept me from visiting SK isn't just content being added but most importantly the "Community" it got.
Not just from my friend list but anywhere from the SK platform that could offer: in-game Haven, and forums. Heck! my usual place also an art website called "Deviantarts" which also contains many great SK arts and artists over there. It was a fun ride from 2013 until today.

Though the time passed and the tough time had come, the SK community seem to be held very tight despite its small size compared to other MMO games.
There are many amazing content or contests that being produced and show to the world. Reminded every visitor and their nostalgic memories from this game or gave them a good chuckle or much more.

All I want to say is "Thank you" to the community or anyone that makes this game feel amazing from time to time, from player to player. Though my friend list was not crowded like it used to, many people have left or moved on, both for a sad reason or for the better course. But still, I hope the community will stay tight like this until the end.

Happy Anniversary Everyone!


Cheers to that!

this really didnt age well

this really didnt age well