hei i've always wondered if there's a way to convert the different minerals into another mineral, for example Moonstone into Crimsonite?
minerals & converting them?

Minerals ... Has anyone else noticed that, usually in the rooms that house the minerals there is always bones strewed about the floor ?
I get the feeling that minerals...... use to be .... ( tan tahn tahhhh ! ) people ! Or more specifically the several alien species trapped on Cradle . Including us Knights....
ALSO , the gates/elevators that we jump on to go down into the Clockworks... They kinda resemble faces...
The Lights on the sides are " Eyes " , the platform we step are mouths . And the gates that pop up are lips/teeth....
And then , the elevator ALWAYS goes down... As if we are being swallowed ...
So if that's the case . IF the Clockworks is turning the aliens trapped on it into minerals. Does that mean the minerals are just a waste by-Product ? OR Just a step in it's digestive process ?
Anyways. Just a thought. Sleep well everyone.
You can't convert them, unfortunately.
If this is about pet food, you can announce in Haven that you want to trade types. Say you have a bunch of yellow minerals and you want red pet food. Say something like, "WTT Divine Stones for Power Stones" or whatever tier of food you want. Eventually you will find somebody who wants to trade.
You can also craft food and sell it on the Auction House. I think 5-star foods (Divine/Power/Shadow Stars) have the highest demand, so it might be best to auction those, even though they are expensive to craft.
Playing in groups will help you accumulate more minerals, because all minerals are shared by the party. For example, if somebody grabs a large purple mineral, everybody in the party will get 4 purple minerals. So you don't have to worry if somebody else grabs the largest mineral.
Here's some Wiki info about minerals.