keeping old gear

7 respuestas [Último envío]


is there any reason to keep old gear , e.g. is there any reason to keep the tempered calibur if I have already got the ascended calibur?

Thanks in advance!

Imagen de Thinslayer
Is there much choice in the matter?

Given how most of the gear is bound to you, and considering how expensive it is to unbind them to resell them (and the loss you incur vendoring them), I can't see much reason *to* sell them, if that's even possible. Then again, I only just came back to SK and forgot lots of stuff, so take that with a grain of salt. :P

That said, I like to keep my old gear for roleplaying and stuff sometimes. Ascended Calibur may not be an amazing weapon, but it looks kind of awesome, so I may wield it from time to time. I might also equip weaker gear to challenge myself properly in lower clockworks levels, since 5* gear can be a little OP down there.

So, there are some reasons. :)

Imagen de Midnight-Dj
You have returned...

There is only one reason I can see, craft the extra 3* calibur into a Cold iron carver and your original into the leviathan blade. Reason? Use them to get forge prize boxes by heating them, they can give you free UV tickets, though from my experience it is not really worth it. But it never hurts to try. And you get CIV later which is the best looking sword in the game, too bad it doesn't hit as good as it looks.

Imagen de Bopp
in addition to what others have said...

You can use 3-star weapons in Tier-2 Lockdown, although there might not be many matches there anymore.

Some of us keep lots of equipment around for testing different aspects of the game, but that's a niche interest.

In case you don't know, you can sell unwanted items to Stranger vendors in the Bazaar area of Haven. You don't get much money from it, but there's no unbinding or risk involved.

Another question

Thanks for all the anwers.

I have another question:

What are the differences in protection between jelly mail and wolver coat? I am asking because both armors protect against the same kind of damage to almost the same extent.

Imagen de Bopp

Are you asking for purely theoretical reasons, or because you're actually considering getting one of these armors?

If your reasons are theoretical, then go by the displayed statistic bars. They tend to be accurate on armor (but not on weapons).

If you're actually shopping, then there is no contest. They have similar damage protection. More importantly, the Wolver upgrades have much more useful status resistances than the Jelly upgrade. More importantly still, the Wolver upgrades give you offensive bonuses on your swords. Wolver is much better than Jelly. Actually the Jelly line is one of the worst in the game.

To learn more, you might consult my detailed armor guide.

damage protection

Ok, so both armors provide similar protection against jellys and wolvers, right?
Does it matter if i choose the jelly mail against jellys or the wolver coat against jellys?

Imagen de Bopp

They provide protection against normal damage and piercing damage, which happen to be inflicted by jellies (and other slimes) and wolvers (and other beasts). There is no way in which Jelly armor defends better against jellies and Wolver armor better against wolvers.

You have pointed out an interesting naming coincidence, which I've never noticed before now. There are a couple of other armor lines named after beast-family monsters. Hmm. It gives some insight into how the original game designers were thinking. So thanks for that.