A Pitch-in for More Additional Armor/Weapon Splits

Searing/Shocking Edge going past 2 Star (maybe a frozen variant even?)
I LOVE these weapons in an aesthetic sense so much and wish they were above 2 Star gear. Maybe not 5 Star, but a bump up in damage output for late game would be cool. It can have a negative downside as a balance even like Gran Faust and Fang of Vog if need be.
A 4/5 Star variant of Scarlet Shield
I do get that there is already a "5 Star" variant out there in a sense, which is the Heater Shield, but it doesn't give a health bonus on top. It would be super nice, and helpful at times even if the Heater Shield had higher Star variants and extra health to have out. Would be very helpful for those that aren't used to the game yet.
The Skelly Helm/Armor Line
For notation, this is the only set that doesn't split into 2 completely different sets and goes on a singular line outside of the shield via Grim Shell. Maybe it's a dream of mine, but I would like to see it have an alternative form either through obtainable recipes from Hall of Heroes/Basil or a Shadow Lair exclusive. Either a Phantom, Bombie, or Deadnaught alternative would be nice.
Alternative line for Turbillion
Even though we've obtained the 5 Star variant of Windmillion not too long ago, it would be nice to see status inflicting versions too. A variant of a Snow/Fire/Thunder Storm charge would be dope.

I want 3*, 4* and possibly 5* of the Searing/Shocking Edge more-so. It is much more accessible than Brandish due to the Hot Edge Recipe, but it needs more love. Very unique weapon that basically can do contact Shock/Fire with just a swing vs having to charge like a Brandish. Even used to be very chaotic in T2 LD with those weapons.
Isn't the Searing/Shocking Edge just a cheap, newbie version of the Brandish line?