Heya everyone! It is I: Mr.”FoV is viable”. And today I want to mostly talk about what I think Spiral Knights needs the most to achieve better quality, thus making people be temped to make its life last longer. I’d also love to see what other people have to say about this, so if you got any other thing/change the game currently needs, please state it on this forum post, although I’d like to ask that you only share what you think is absolutely important to be added or changed to the game currently, since discussing minor things here might make some posts just too big.
With that said, this is what I believe SK definitely needs for it to be not only a better game, but to actually make people stay on the game for much longer, thus creating higher possibilities to make the game’s servers live for more time:
Better servers
This one is pretty simple: Servers that are slightly faster and more reliable than the ones existing currently.
I think this is one of the first things that come to the mind of any player, since everyone could agree that servers can be noticeably unresponsive on missions, having many lagspikes and noticeable delay between a player making an action and that same action taking consequence.
I know this could be expensive, but I think by just buying something slightly more powerful, and doing actions like removing all Haven instances except the English ones would improve things slightly (although I am not a professional on this stuff, so I’m not sure if this would truly help), and I know this sounds crazy, but to be honest any other language instance that is not the English one is next to empty, and you can even see many non-English speakers on the English instances anyways, so I think this would hurt nobody or, if it does, it would be an incredibly small amount of people.
I think I would also improve the wiki servers too, they are just sooooo slow at times, that definitely needs an upgrade too.
Gear rebalancing
I’m gonna start this section with a small anecdote.
About a year ago, I met a Spiral Knights player who just started to play the game, and I decided to help them on the side of grinding and knowing what gear to use. At first, I told her what was the meta and what was not, and then showed her some 5* weapons I had. Eventually, they actually decided to go for a Volcanic Pepperbox and a Wildfire, with a Shadowsun armor, since those were the weapons that although being certainly weak, made them go “Whoaaaaaaa! That’s so cool!”, and to be honest, this actually made me quite happy since this was a similar experience of mine when I first started the game, and made me feel some nostalgia. Although that was until she decided to join a guild and start to go through FSC runs, with their current gear they were kinda obsolete compared to literally everyone else, and then they decided to get the current meta for new players: Chaos set, Combuster and Blitz, which they did not seem to like as much, but agreed to be more comfortable to run FSC with, after some days, we discussed about the game’s balance, and they told me: “if there’s something that of this game that really pulls me back, it’s the lack of variety”, and I think this is a great problem for the game.
Just to be clear, when they said “variety” they meant the amount of weapons that are currently viable and overall just good to use, although I must say that when we talked about armors they did comment that many of them felt really bad comparing it with armors such as the Black Kat, Chaos and Padded armor sets. And to be fair, I think many new players arrive to this conclusion when being introduced to the endgame, or just the weapon selection overall, which means bad since this means less new players will feel motivated to keep on playing the game, mostly because it does not feel right when you just are objectively speaking way less effective than others just because you have chosen what you liked to play with.
So yeah, I believe rebalancing some weapons in the form of buffs and making offensive armors like the ones seen on Hall of Heroes (Vog Cub, Shadowsun, Armor of the Fallen, Deadshot set, Justifier set, etc...) have some more buffs while also adding some weaknesses, taking the Seerus Mask and Padded armor family as an example, since they have a good variety of buffs while also having some weaknesses, making switching armors more frequent and thus making the gameplay a bit more diverse.
More ways to farm Crowns and Radiant Fire Crystals
Nowadays the only ways to farm money and to level up 5* gear at a decent speed is the Fire Storm Citadel (aka FSC) mission, Arcade (although it depends on what levels you find in there) and the Dreams and Nightmares mission (although this last one is only for obtaining Radiant Fire Crystals quickly, you barely get heat or crowns on that one), and I think we really need a good alternative to FSC since the other two mentioned aren’t really that effective and many people can get burned out of it.
Here’s some of my ideas that shouldn’t take too long nor would be too hard for Grey Havens to do, and maybe wouldn’t need the help of any programmer either, unless the current workers of the company really don’t know even the most basic of programming on Java I guess:
- Small Treasure Vault rework:
My idea here is just make the final boss of this level drop a certain amount of gold slime coins depending on the tier/depth you encounter it. My take would be 10*Startum, or in case that’s too low, 10*depth, and maybe this might look like too much, but taking in account each 50 slime coins are worth 10k crowns (that is if you get a good roll on the slime casino, if not, it’s technically worth 5k), and that the Vault is not as easily accessible as FSC, I think this could be an interesting way to farm for crowns.
I’d also make the slime casino be available forever, except without the chance of receiving a smile lockbox, I think that should only be present when the event is on.
- Arena-after-arena mission:
I guess the tittle of this one is pretty self-explanatory: a mission about going through several arenas, like the ones you could find on the Arcade. Each depth would have a different monster family and status, perhaps even random, similar to some prestige missions (although those only have random statuses, but you get my point). I think this one could be easily made since the levels are already done (the arenas from the arcade), and the only edit that could need is just remove the elevators that allow you to skip several parts of that level, or just block the path with indestructible blocks. And you wouldn’t even need to add lore to the mission or anything like that, you could just add it as a prestige mission that can be done repeatedly, it should be pretty easy.
- Dreams and Nightmares with enemy drops:
Pretty self-explanatory too: a rework that allows for Dreams and Nightmares’ enemies to drop crowns and heat. I think that would make it a bit more viable, without being a complete substitute to FSC, which is kinda what I am aiming at in this section. I don’t really have to say much more about it on this one, pretty simple I guess.
- Arcade bonus:
Every time you reach the last depth in the Arcade, there is a knight asking if you have brought supplies, so I would make it so whenever you have a supply pack of any kind, you can exchange it for a certain amount of crowns, and only a limited amount of packs per run (I think 1 or 2 would be good enough). My suggestion for the amount of crowns you get per supply pack would be this:
- Compact Supply Pack: 2K crowns (1K profit)
- Standard Supply Pack: 4,5K crowns (2K profit)
- Deluxe Supply Pack: 10,25K crowns (4K profit)
I think this would give the Supply Packs a good functionality (because using it on prestige missions isn’t really that useful to be fair), and give more incentive to go to the core more often.
- Prestige mission rewards:
This one is incredibly easy in my opinion. Once a prestige mission is done, it could give to the player some rewards like fire crystals or orbs of alchemy, or even a trinket, so it can be sold for some extra money to a Basil or something. Here’s once again my suggestions for each tier:
Tier 1
Regular mission: 30 Dim Fire Crystals, 10 Warm Fire Crystals
Danger mission: 1 Simple Orb of Alchemy
Arms Appropriation: 3 Simple Orbs of Alchemy (and get the weapon back the next day if that’s not too hard to program).
Geological Survey: 10 Warm Fire Crystals
Monstrous Research: 10 Warm Fire Crystals
Supply Delivery: 1 Simple Orb of Alchemy
Tier 2
Regular mission: 30 Glowing Fire Crystals, 10 Shining Fire Crystals
Danger mission: 30 Glowing Fire Crystals, 1 Elite Orb of Alchemy
Arms Appropriation: 1 Elite Orb of Alchemy (and get the weapon back the next day if that’s not too hard to program)
Geological Survey: 30 Glowing Fire Crystals
Monstrous Research: 30 Glowing Fire Crystals
Supply Delivery: 1 Advanced Orbs of Alchemy
Tier 3
Regular mission: 10 Radiant Fire Crystals
Danger mission: 30 Radiant Fire Crystals, 1 Elite Orb of Alchemy, 1 Eternal Orb of Alchemy
Arms Appropriation: 3 Elite Orbs of Alchemy (and get the weapon back the next day if that’s not too hard to program)
Geological Survey: 10 Radiant Fire Crystals
Monstrous Research: 10 Radiant Fire Crystals
Supply Delivery: 1 Elite Orb of Alchemy
I think I don’t need to explain much about why each thing here except the Tier 3 rewards having more Elite Orbs of Alchemy rather than Eternals, and that’s because for most Vanguards, Elite Orbs are way more rare than Eternal Orbs, and I think that this would actually balance this slightly.
And with that said... I think those are all my main ideas that I believe would improve the Spiral Knights experience™ and are the most necessary changes. I’d really like to hear more ideas from other people, so please comment yours too! (and also evaluate my ideas if you feel like it).
Apologies if in advance my grammar is not completely right, my brain turns off every time I write something so big.
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