Prices are for each item not the bulk. Listed numbers are all buyouts. Feel free to offer or even dm me to correct/change prices.
Dm me on discord @ Otter#6435
Current wallet -- 48.5ke
My pearl items for your garnet/amethyst/aquamarine/emerald/diamond items
- clean squall/skeggox 45ke
- clean buccaneer broadsider 35ke
- clean celestial vortex 17ke
- fire max ssb ???
- prismatic glow eyes 8ke
- buccaneers eye patch 10ke
- divine extension cord ???
- fancy tome of rage - 300kcr
- cool/divine/shadow spiraltail mail - ?
- firetail mail - ?
- dreadful aura (i can't afford yet)
sweet dreams asi h - 15ke *on hold*
caladbolg ctr m - 32ke
teddy bear buckler - 32ke
prismatic halo - 18ke
sweet dreams asi h - 15ke *on hold*
caladbolg ctr m - 32ke
teddy bear buckler - 32ke
pot o' crowns beat l - 500kcr
voltedge undead l, asi m
Snarbolax Coat shock med (Mewkat monster pocket, ghostly aura, shadow cat tail)
Skolver coat curse l (Crest of Winter, Divine Cat Tail)
costumes - generic
crescent helm (slumber, pearlx8) -
fur cap (pearlx9) -
hood (pearlx10) -
pith helm (slumber, pearlx5, wicked) -
plate helm (slumber, pearlx4) -
round helm (slumberx2, pearlx8) -
sallet (slumber, pearlx11) -
tailed helm (slumberx3, pearlx8) -
winged helm (slumberx5, pearlx6) -brigandine (slumberx11) -
cloak (slumberx2, pearlx5) -
culet (slumberx2, pearlx7) -
cuirass (pearl x14) -
draped armor (slumberx2, pearlx9) -
flak jacket (pearlx10) -
fur coat (slumberx4, pearlx10) -
plate mail (slumberx4, pearlx8) -
raiment (slumberx2, pearlx11) -
scale mail (slumberx2, pearlx10) -
costumes - slumber
dreamer night cap - 200kcr
lucid night cap - 150kcr
costumes - equinox
celestial nav helm x2 - 125kcr
galactic guardian helm - 125kcr
steller sentenial helm - 125kcr
celestial nav suit - 125kcr
costumes - wicked
wicked buccaneer bicorne - 300kcr
nefarious raiment - 300kcr
costumes - lucky
ancient gold buckled coat x1 - 100kcr
hunter gold buckled coat x3 - 100kcr
peridot gold bucked coat x3 - 100kcr
crescent helm (slumber, pearlx8) -
clover eyes - 25kcr
accessories - helm top
Prismatic halo - 18ke
ancient clover - 5kcr
ancient lucky topper x4 - 25kcr
celestial bolted vee x3 - 25kcr
celestial spike mohawk - 50kcr
hunter lucky topper x2 - 25kcr
slumber toupee x2 - 50kcr
Pearl Bolted Vee x4
Pearl Crown x8
Aquamarine Crown x2 - 300kcr
Pearl Headband x4
Pearl Toupee x5
accessories - helm front
ancient pipe -
autumn lumberfell beard x2 - 50kcr
citrine lumberfell beard x4 - 50kcr
dazed lumberfell beard x4 - 50kcr
dusky goggles x2 - 10kcr
peridot pipe x3 -
wicked goggles - 20kcr
Pearl Dapper Combo x2
Pearl Glasses x5
Pearl Helm-Mounted Display x2
Pearl Round Shades x3
accessories - helm back
celestial plume - 50kcr
slumber scarf x2 - 250kcr
wicked plume - 35kcr
Pearl Plume
Pearl Ribbon x2
accessories - helm side
celestial mech'tennas - 30kcr
wicked alpha vertical vents - 300kcr
wicked bent vertical vents - 300kcr
wicked mecha wings x2 - 25kcr
wicked vertical vents x2 - 200kcr
Pearl Com Unit x2
Pearl Mecha Wings x4
accessories - armor front
mewkat monster pocket x2 - 225kcr
wicked parrying blade - 200kcr
Floating Pearls x4
Floating Diamonds x2
Floating Aquamarines
Pearl Bomb Bandoiler
Pearl Crest
Pearl Parrying Blade x3
accessories - armor back
rainbow valkyrie wings - 500kcr
toasty munitions pack - 10kcr
Pearl Disciple Wings x9
Pearl Side Blade x2
Pearl Wings
accessories - armor rear
celestial wolver tail - 150kcr
rainbow wolver tail - 250kcr
wicked cat tail - 250kcr
Pearl Cat Tail x6
Pearl Wolver Tail
accessories - armor ankle
None :)
accessories - armor aura
Pearl Aura - nfs for a year or two :P
Prismatic halo - 18ke
rainbow x2 - 300kcr
6/3/2021 - Sell Aquamarine Crown 290kcr
6/3/2021 - Buy Aquamarine Crown 275kcr