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WTB Accessories [Under Construction]

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Bild des Benutzers Rakaraka

IGN: Rakaraka
Discord: Scolon#4218

1. I am placing a "starting offer" next to each and every item I already have a rough idea of. If you think the item is worth more I'm negotiable, though I'll be more adamant on some items than others.
2. If you think I'm lowballing, please tell me and provide sufficient evidence, if there is enough evidence/data for a different price range I'll increase my offer.
3. Items are alphabetized according to the item name, not the color name, this makes it easier for me to edit my list.

[List coming soon]

Helm Back
Helm Front
Helm Side
Helm Top
Armor Aura
Armor Ankle
Armor Back
Armor Front
Armor Rear