Hey, I've been having this Problem with the Anti-aliasing option the Game gives you. I don't know if Anyone else also has this Problem. So what happens is When I put the Anti-aliasing on 16x, I restart the game. Just like the Game tells you to. I log in the game and, It's 8x. I'd really like to Know if someone has the same problem, Or is there a Fix to this?
Graphic Problem

Open any text file or create one for sake of simplicity on desktop
Paste this into it
REGEDIT /E Settings.reg "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JavaSoft\Prefs\projectx"
Now click File > SAVE AS not SAVE
It needs to be SAVE AS
Under name in file type select all files (*.*) or something like that but not .txt
Name the file whatever you want but add .bat on the end for example SK Settings Export.bat
Now bat file with that name you input will show up in same folder where you used txt file to create it
Click that bat file and now Settings.reg file will show up next to it
Right click Settings.reg and choose edit
5th or 6th (if we count empty one) line from the top should be
Make sure its 4 not 3 or just change it to 4 and hold ctrl+s to save the file
4 does not stand for how much X like x2 X4 X16 it stands for option position on the drop list which goes like
0 - x1
1 - x2
2 - x4
3 - x8
4 - x16
So yeah you want to input there 4 not 16
Close it and now click Settings.reg file and hit space 2 times to pass confirmation windows
!st one ask do you want to add it to registry and you do while 2nd is confirmation that it was added to your registry
@Bopp @Vjm-Vjm
Aside from SK i play only warfame and im very active on its forum
As for SK i dont use its forums since i just do vanaduke and dont play anything else here so i dont see any reason to participate in forum discussions
Yet you have no idea how much it makes me happy to see not only warframe forums have idiots who will just post sh!7 without contributing anything to the topic just for sake of making a post and feel stupid
And i was afraid that stupidity and ignorance run wild only on warframe forums
Keep it up

Why is post #3 so hostile? There's value in commiserating and asking for clarification. You took five months to respond. Your post assumes that the player is on Windows. Take it easy.
I don't know. While we wait for knowledgeable people to arrive, it might be helpful for you to tell us about your operating system version and graphics hardware.