I'd like to continue a argument I had with Hera, Cronus, and Legobuild for some reason. I didn't appreciate you guys talking over me and making me look like a villain even though I am one, it's the fact that you didn't give me a fair chance to rebuttal in fair or reasonable manner which I take offence to. I do apologize for throwing some of my water at Lego in a fit of frustration and rage but it was only water and only a little bit even got on him. I got so frustrated in fact that I woke up at 5 in the morning which is the real issue here because I can't fall back asleep which I feel you should be held accountable for. If we would have had a fair and stable discussion in my dream this all could have been avoided however due to the fact that I am still riled up and angry for no apparent reason I would like to ask for us to continue this discussion at a later date of your choosing I'd like to thank you for your time and hopefully we can clear this up in a timely manner.
Also if you could remind me what we were arguing about that would be most appreciated.
r u ok dude