I think most of the sales that are avaible every day are pretty bad, most of the time it affects some of the weapons available in there, which are not worth buying independently if they are in sale or not. The price for them it's too high considering the price of orbs of alchemy alongside their recipe are way cheaper.
I have several ideas for it to be more worth the buy (I do not recommend to make all of these ideas be a thing all at once do, all of these should be taken in consideration as it's own thing each, always having the ability to combine several of them if preffered):
- Make the gear on sale have a good UV (Most of them being a "Medium" one and preferebly Charge Time Reduction or Attack Speed Increase on weapons, since that's what people care about the most).
- Make the gear on sale have a 50%, or even 75% lower cost instead of the current % so it's actually worth the buy.
- Make it so there's only one gear item on sale per day, but actually put on sale other types of items (such as radiant fire crytals, elite orbs of alchemy, advanced orbs of alchemy, Battle Sprites, sparks of life, weapon and trinket slots...).
- Getting extra items by purchasing gear or rarity items on the supply depot that are on sale (such as tokens, more rarity items like radiant fire crystals or slime coins, etc)
I believe some of this ideas should definitely be posible to make with little knowlege of programming, so GH could actually change the supply depot sales to be more attractive.
I forgot to mention that some of the sales could also contain weapons that are somewhat rare to have such as Electron Vortex (or any weapon obtainable through Lockdown and Blast Network for that matter), basil recipes (specially from the padded armor family!) or even, as the community calls them: the Diskguns (with that I mean Overcharged Mixmaster and Orbitgun, although the first is sometimes in the acution house so I would see this to be pretty much a no-no for Grey Havens).