Guilds Question-s

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Guin-Aoiichi's picture

The wiki tells you how to make a guild and all about members and ranks.

But i don't see a link to where it explains about the " weekly " maintenance fee ?

Like how much does it go up , for how many rooms or things you put in it ?

What if you are the only member ?

Does the fee go up , if you put a lot of things into the inventory or does it only go up per room ?

Does it go up because of decorations ? Does it go up if you have a lot of members ?

Is there a guide that details the prices ?

ALSO, i saw one guild had that Spirit Alien thing you encounter FSC .... How do you get that ?

Midnight-Dj's picture
Wasting money, the game

- it is a guild upkeep cost, basically your guild as a whole have to pay a certain cost per week or else it goes into default, and most of the guild rooms are locked behind a gate. This is by far the most counter intuitive crown sink in the game, why punish your players for forming groups? This pretty much encourage lone wolves.

-It depends on the membership, the bigger the guild, the bigger the upkeep, so it is wise for a guild leader to kickout any inactive members.

-I think it only increase if you have a larger guild hall / a certain number of knights, the stuff in the room, not so much.

-You can ran your own 'one man guild', but why would you? Do you need a personal home that bad? I think many other MMO games have much better home system than SK.

-It goes up with membership/guild hall size

-Not sure, a guide might be out there, look up SK on steam, there might be a good guide for this.

-You can get those rare NPCs via overpriced prize boxes, they usually go at an exuberant price in AH (if one is available), really only the top guild can pay for it.

Bopp's picture
the wiki page

The relevant wiki page is this:

Maybe it is not linked from the Guild Hall wiki page? Maybe it doesn't have the information that you want? Please advise.

Guild Upkeep

The guild's upkeep (weekly maintenance fee) depends solely on purchased guild hall expansions. The more rooms and floors the guild hall has, the bigger the upkeep. Placed furniture, number of guild members, special room designs, guild hall themes etc. have no impact on the upkeep (as far as I know).

There's a section about upkeep on the Guild Hall page on the wiki. I suppose you read only the Guild page. I'm not sure if it will answer all of your questions about upkeep, but in case you're curious, you can find it here:

This page explains how each expansion affects the upkeep. The total upkeep should be sum of all expansions you have purchased.

Finally, just a small warning that the wiki may not be up to date. In any case, the upkeep costs should not be higher than those on the wiki.

EDIT: Ah, seems I was writing my reply for too long and Bopp replied in the meantime. Still, I hope this post will be useful.

Guin-Aoiichi's picture

the " UPKEEP " page is not Linked to the main " Guilds " page. And it had none of the info i wanted to know.

Thank you for the link . I eventually found it on my own as well. Even though it explains what " upkeep " is ... IT DOES NOT , outright tell you " How Much " the upkeep will be.

You have to go to :

To see a price guide . Even then it does not tell you how much the upkeep would be for just the base guild...

.... in order to find that out you have to pay attention to the purple bar right under the " upkeep " section,
Labeled " (The hall's total upkeep is determined by installed expansions: ) " it has a SHOW button slightly to the right.

Click on that and it shows a diagram/floorplans of a guild and it's expansions. And next to it is just a number. Which i can only assume denotes the cost of upkeep. ( it is my assumption that the base guild is Zero cost in upkeep )

" Placed furniture, number of guild members, special room designs, guild hall themes etc. have no impact on the upkeep (as far as I know). "
It would be nice , if the wiki made this clear . Also thank you for the warning.

@ thread : the reason i ask , Is because i had joined a newly made guild that had only 3 rooms in it . Two on the first floor and maybe one in the second floor..... And i distinctly remember the cost being 2000 crowns..... or was it 2 rooms... My point is that there was almost nothing there . Only the Auction House. So i am guessing that prices might not be up to date on the wiki.....

So i thought maybe someone that actually owns a guild might drop on in and give the 411 on what actual costs are now in 2021.

Real costs

So I checked and it seems the costs on the Expansion page are up to date. My guild's upkeep is 8000 crowns and the guild hall has 3 floors both on the left and right side + the central war room. According to the page, the upkeep should be 0 + 0 + 1250 + 1250 + 500 + 2500 + 2500 = 8000 crowns. The numbers match.

What doesn't match are the last 2 examples in the Upkeep section on the Guild Hall page. Going by the costs on the Expansion page, the upkeeps for the examples should be: 0 cr, 3,000 cr, 30,000 cr (not 56,800) and 40,000 cr (not 71,800). I went to Haven and asked around some people about the upkeep costs and the Expansion page seems correct. Specifically, upkeep for full guild hall should be 40,000 crowns. I'll go ahead and fix those numbers on the wiki shortly.

Yes, the base upkeep is 0 crowns.

So, having said all that, there should be no way for your upkeep to be precisely 2,000 crowns, unless it was in 2016 or earlier when the upkeep costs were higher. The closest to that cost is 2,500 which is for guild hall with both wings on 1st and 2nd floor, but without the central room on the 2nd floor.