Thanks for unbanning me

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Sirzlime's picture

Hello, my name is sirzlime. A lot of people in the community know me as the "slime merchant" or the "slime box guy," I created the guild "Slime Kingdom" and have supplied a majority of the "rare" slime cosmetics in SK due to my unhealthy obsession towards unboxing slime lockboxes. I had brought a lot of hype and demand for slime-related things in the game. If you couldn't tell, I absolutely ADORE slime things. In fact, Nick was my favorite developer back in the day because of his lil impostocube character. Anyway, just wanted to make this post after logging back onto the game after 8 months of being banned.

Thanks for unbanning me after 8 months of on-and-off responses to my ban appeal, I'm glad you acknowledged my honesty and appreciated it. I did my best to give you all the information you required and it was nice to wake up today to see the unban email mentioning that I was finally considered after you "allowed a significant amount of time to pass since you were banned and investigated the ban on your Spiral Knights account as requested again." and "based on your banplea and the fact that you were honest about your RMT, we have decided to lift the ban on your account." But still decided to leave poor zirzlime and zirslime banned, rest in peace to my clones, they lived a good healthy life. Oh also the "as part of being unbanned, we have removed a significant amount of items from your account to recover the damage your actions caused. The removal of these items is not negotiable and is a condition of your being unbanned. This means we will not consider returning any of them."

Haha yes, the penalty other than the 8+ months of not being able to play the game with little to no response from my emails for the long period of it. "How dare you break a rule!?! Blasphemy! You shall be cast away for eons to atone for thy sins! And when you return! You shall be stripped of all your hard-earned belongings! Yes! Even those which you have spent money on during our promo box sales and unboxed yourself through the ever-harsh waves of RNG! Say fare-thee-well to all your energy! Your very specific slime node wares that only YOU care about! Anything that ends with the word "Aura" in your arsenal! All of it, yes! All those keys and boxes as well! Nay to them all! Throw them overboard while this here knight is unable to fight back for the entirety of it all! In addition to the 8 months of being banned AND your alts being still perma-banned, away with them all!"

Jokes aside, I get that there is a penalty for my actions, I expected it. But to confiscate practically everything I own? After all I've spent on this game both time AND money wise? Pretty harsh of you guys, "to recover the damage your actions caused" what damage, if I may ask, have I caused? That required such an enormous amount of items to be "washed away" from my arsenal like that? I'm genuinely curious. I didn't know there were such harsh damages caused from trading an item to someone, mind-boggling that is. If it were me I'd had made the 8+ months of being unable to play Spiral Knights punishment enough, especially considering this was my first "act against ToS" and all, I even said that I would fully understand for them to ban me again if I broke this rule again, it would be 100% justified. This though is pretty harsh for a video game.

I don't expect a response from anyone to this, it's honestly just a rant of sorts and I'd hope an eye-opener for people. I have nothing against the team at Grey Haven, I am thankful for them to be still keeping the game running even if we hardly ever get any content out of them, even if the game is eventually "destined" to end. But I still feel a bit hurt and singled out by the way they've treated me over this whole ordeal, I genuinely had no malicious intent towards them nor the game, and have tried my best to show them how willing I am to cooperate with them and comply with their standards. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and may you enjoy the rest of your day.

- Sirzlime (ex-slime merchant of spiral knights)

Geomec's picture
I was here.

Glad you got unbanned slime bro. It's good to see you again

this game is kinda like

this game is kinda like getting a plate of spaghetti. The waiter asks if you want anything on it and you say pepper. He brings out the pepper grinder and says "just tell me when". When you tell him to stop, he keeps grinding. He keeps grinding. You frantically tell him to stop grinding but he keeps going. After 5 minutes you can no longer see your once delicious spaghetti. You try to take his hands away but he turns out, to your horror, to be a robot, too strong for you to move. The doors close with a thud and trap you inside. 9 years pass and all you've eaten has been pepper. The restaurant is now completely filled with pepper and you can no longer see the robot, but you know he's still there, grinding pepper. You eventually accept your fate and drown in your peppery ocean. In your last moments your life flashes before your eyes. Glimpses of what your dish used to look like a decade ago appear in your mind. What was once a full meal, hot and ready to eat, is gone. The pepper is all. The pepper is everything. There was never spaghetti. There is only pepper. Accept the pepper. Eat the pepper. Feel the pepper. you are pepper.

u for real?


Graevy's picture

u sexy af

Julaiwnl's picture

The fact that you get unbanned shows how little GH cares to keep the community healthy. What kind of message are they telling everyone? RMT, Scam, do whatever you want because if you wait long enough and not bother, we will unban you. Shame on everyone, honestly. Shame on GH for unbanning you, shame on those who feel bad for you, and shame on you for not only being able to come back after not deserving it, but also doing what you did.

No matter how nice and cute you want to be on emails, you shouldn't be able to get unbanned. In any case, GH should let you play on a new, **fresh** account, rather than letting you back on your main one.
And you also have the audacity of complaining about having your items you got illegitimately being taken away, just absurd.

Someone sent me a screenshot of some of your messages on Discord recently regarding your removed items, and you also claimed to have earned those with hard work and dedication... What a massive joke. The hard work and dedication of exploiting packs and RMTing?

This game will not cease to amaze me. Unfortunately, none of its surprises have been good.

Julaiwnl's picture

Is GH aware of you creating, managing and promoting a SK black market for people to RMT on? if so and you still got unbanned after that: Double shame on everyone handling this situation.

Hatn's picture

Welcome back Sirzlime I am looking forward to see what you have next in store for us.

Even if what you say is true anything outside of the game isn't taken into consideration when GH are doing their moderation, if they did then so many people would've fated to Sirzlime's path as well.