I can be reached at https://steamcommunity.com/id/diosim
I've updated my privacy settings so it should be public for the time being.
post your ign and what you're interested in and I'll send a friend request.
I will rarely check this post. I rarely play sk anymore and this is an uber lazy endeavor, and only started as it seems there is a snarb' pod floating around for trade.
If you would like to trade for some combination of the following items, hmu.
I am also taking ce/cr offers, but I don't have any idea what I'll do with the dosh, maybe I'll do one final give-away
c/o - current offer
frozen great cleaver,
Pot o' crowns
Punkin Cinnamug
The bitter end
anti-hazard spikes: c/o: 12.5ke
orbit aura: c/o: 15ke
Prismatic Halo c/o: 15ke
Prismatic Wolver tail c/o: 20ke
Hacked aura c/o: 15ke
Cozzzy Halo
Dread Seal
Prismatic Node Receiver
Prismatic ruinous crystal
Prismatic Scarf
Prismatic Sera set (antenna, halo, gem)
Prismatic Wings (Gen 1)
viking sets, complete
i offer 155kce for ur orbitgun
my ign : mr-tomatow