Dinosaurs when ?

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I was just playing 8-2 The Rotting Metropolis and when i saw the final elevator screen, it reminded me of the feeling, that i had, when i first saw it.

I think adding dinosaurs and generally more monsters to the game would enrich it.

Alot of the newer monsters are difficult and unpleasant to deal with and alot of development effort has been put into making commonly-visited areas less difficult, adding too difficult content to endgame-areas or working on UI, or story, which have little interaction value in terms of actual gameplay.

I know i have been pointlessly waiting for space-travel ever since i heard the story of them having landed on "skylark" or whatever the planet is called, that they allegedly crashed on. I mean the graphics are ideal for making space travel, i think.

But adding a new monster family doesn't seem like too much to ask for, since that doesn't change the direction, that the game is headed(which is apparantly nowhere)

I'm not hoping for some nasty little creatures similar to the small-sized monsters in the compound levels, that have been added at some point, but instead for giant lichen-sized dinos, that are just as easy to hit and seeing them would make you want to ride them.

I'm not ignoring the state of the game, but with that elevator screen don't we all at least deserve a dino ?


Dinosaur Dungeon Area would be amazing to see, honestly a new breath of air for the game. And honestly any new content for this game would be amazing to see. The dinosaur concept is unique and an excellent idea.