Hello,I just came back into this game and I'm in a guild. I thought it'd be helpful to keep donating the guild despite i havent been online for a long time. But then i just noticed the guildmaster and other member havent been online since 2017,and I've been investing into the guild for no reason. is there a way to make myself the guildmaster? im just an officer rank in the guild..
Need help
Thu, 09/02/2021 - 05:56

Thu, 09/02/2021 - 17:59

Asking for aid?
Maybe you could politely ask the Game Masters to do something about it? It’s better to try and hope rather than giving up hope without even trying.
Sun, 09/05/2021 - 16:36

I've had friends in this situation before, the GMs wouldn't do it.
You could still try but I wouldn't expect anything.
Mon, 09/20/2021 - 01:22

thank you
Im sorry for late reply,but i just learned what officer can do ,so i can utilize all the crowns ive spent for the guild. as for..
asking for GMs,i have no idea how to do that,help please?
I don't think there's a way to make yourself a guild master. However as an officer you have power over almost everything in the guild - you can recruit, promote, demote and kick members up to the officer rank, add other floors to your guild hall or remove them, place furniture etc. The only things you can't do is change the guild's name and remove or demote guild masters and officers older than you.