Regarding my latest FSC run
Alot of the time, players knock monsters into other players. That is not very helpful, because you want to be able to predict where the enemy is going to attack in order to be able to dodge that attack. If a player starts attacking that monster into or out of the range of another player's weapon, then that is incredibly annoying.
It isn't a bad thing. Sometimes it happens to me, too. Mostly in Jelly Palace. But especially newer players may be totally unaware of that and therefore i am writing it down.
So. My friend joined me and another knight. That other knight used a pulsar-like weapon. It wasn't too bad, but i would have liked to say "use needle". I think he had a blitz needle. I wouldn't actually speak something like this out, because that would more likely cause us to leave each other instead of actually adapting to my request. It would also be a silly thing to change playstyle because of my personal preference. I wouldn't want that and it didn't go very badly. In any case it would probably take a while for that knight to realize, that these pulsar weapons are not helpful if you aim them at a monster, that a player is attacking. They knock them out of my weapon's range! But since everything went rather okay, i am only writing this as a preparation for what i'm about to write next:
My friend saw me using my brand new needle and he started using it!
Just a quick group summary:
-A random Knight(random weapons)
-And my friend(using needle more after seeing me use needle effectively)
So that was a good thing.
We arrive in Depth 25. My friend follows me around instead of splitting up. That is a good thing. That is the traditional way of running FSC. Our needles worked together well by interrupting Zombies in an alternating fashion, so they cannot attack us as often. The third knight had his PC crashed, so we were 2 people playing in a party of 3 people(The party button activates after stepping on the button again as soon as a knight has the red disconnection icon over their head)
Then we arrive in this room:
In this room, i try to shoot the blocks, and then hit that blue block with the grey edges with my needle.(Ignore the Argent Peacemaker in the screenshot. The screenshot is just to show the room)
My friend then rushes in with his Dread Venom Striker all the way to the blue block. I wanted to avoid that D: - by going too far, he spawned 1 Trojan Horse and 2 Zombies. But okay, it's only 1 mistake, that isn't too bad. I ended up dying in there, which is something, that can happen either way, i think. I don't know, but in any case it has happened recently and now that i think about it, i might have simply not had any gun at that point, but i can live with it. After clearing this room we go to room 4:
In this room, stepping on the center button spawns the Zombie, Turret, and Oiler on the left. Again, my friend used the Dread Venom Striker.
Before i continue, i want to talk about some basics. Attacking a monster can interrupt his attack with either your the final swing of your sword combo or a charge attack. I'm not 100% sure what factors determine whether or not the monsters gets his attack interrupted, but from what i have been able to observe, it depends on the final damage done. Sometimes the final hit alone can interrupt, and sometimes only the full combo will interrupt. Being able to land the full combo is only possible if you are really up-close to a monster. Otherwise the 3rd hit (of a brandish-line sword for example) will move you into the monster's attack range without hitting it and without interrupting it. The ideal strategy for this scenario is to only use 1 or 2 hits, instead of the full combo. If you only use 1 hit with a Brandish, you have to time it well. If you use 2 hits, you only have to time the 2nd hit well. The 1st hit of the sword has very little knockback, while the second hit allows you to push it slightly more out of range. No matter what i am writing down, it all comes down to practice. And in order to find out when a monster actually does or does not get interrupted by your sword, i recommend trying the full combo on any 1 type of monster during any first encounter. It is mostly consistent for the same type of monster. Keep in mind, that only the final damage seems to matter, so sometimes an attack buff can make a difference. There may be very few exceptions, where this logic does not work. For jellys in particular i recommend the 1- or 2-hit combo attacks. In any case i'm going to continue explaining what went wrong:
The Dread Venom Striker uses a 5-hit Combo. I think it requires the 5th hit in order to be able to interrupt at all. And i don't think, that the sword is fast enough to reliably interrupt an FSC-Zombie against the wall. To be honest, i was a little bit relieved, when my friend went into the room, because i clearly felt the ease of not having to deal with the oiler anymore, which can ignite my black kat set. However, he pushed out the Zombie into my direction! I am assuming, that not being able to interrupt their attack is 1 possible explanation. Another could be, that he might have wanted to avoid getting hit by the Turret or the Oiler, now that i think about it. In any case i was starting to get annoyed now. In part, because i had already lost my emergency revive because of him rushing in in Room 3. So, we carefully make it through the room and i bring the sprite back into the central room:
Many mechanics in Spiral Knights are activated when you step at a certain spot. Sometimes you have to use the attack button in a certain spot. Sometimes it is possible to be far enough from a spot(like a key) and still pick-up the item, where a trap is supposed to trigger. In any case, picking up a sprite spawns 3 Zombies in the central room. This time, my friend started charging his needle. But it didn't feel like he was playing on his own or shooting his own Zombie. It felt more like a little kid imitating me, which i am very annoyed by.
So after that we moved to room 5:
In this room, I wanted to use a new strategy:
-The purple slime cubes in the top left will not chase me, if i don't go to close.
-And 1 of the 2 Zombies in the top right usually gets stuck with the Trojan Horse.
That means, that theoretically i would only have to deal with the 2 Zombies on the left and the Trojan Horse before moving on to the other monsters. However, my friend rushed in again. At this point i was upset enough in order to view him as a threat. I don't remember if i got burned or not, but he was charging his needle and running around in circles. Often times people, presumably younger(which makes sense based on the type of game, that spiral knights is, but it also makes it possible to play any game at all, since younger people are often not as rotten as some other people, who i cannot stand for their language alone and because of whom i have abandoned a number of games already and i will not stop), rush in, when they see me fighting. It probably looks smooth to them, so they think, that they can just join the fight, while being completely unaware of the knockback mechanics, that i have explained above.
So this time i let him circle around and play on his own. In part i was hoping, that he would realize, that his doing causes damage to himself. And that felt good, when he got hit by the Trojan Horse "Wham!" and when he caught fire. And i will explain how he may have saved the situation on his own, but first i want to continue explaining myself. I let him get hit, but i didn't interfere with him. Neither was i willing to let him die. I was, however, viewing him as a threat instead of an ally. Even an ally can cause you to get hit. For example an Ice Bomb freezes monsters in place. But that also makes it impossible to knock them away from you. However, a person using an Ice Bomb is usually well aware of that and i am, too. You can make it through even if it doesn't work out perfectly because of that factor. And it does make it easier in other places. But that's an ally. My friend was viewed as an ally as long as we were playing harmoniously. That was until room 2. After that it had been going downhill. So just like with monsters, i waited for an opening, where i would be able to attack(when he wasn't able to knock anything into me). And when i was ready i continued through the dungeon and went afk on the elevator, while the other 2 knights(the other person had now returned) were cluelessly attacking zombies in Room 6(lol)
I'm going to explain that room, because i'm assuming, that not everybody..well anyway i'll just explain(writing these complicated sentences is really annoying..and i have been trying to use as simple as possible words instead of fancy english words, that people mindlessly use, because they have learned them):
In that room, it spawns 1 Trojan Horse and i think 6 Zombies. Killing that horse opens the gates and lets you move on. You do not have to kill the zombies. Zombies respawn, if they are in range of the totems. But the Zombies also drop items if they die once. You do not have to kill them again, if your only goal is to get the items. And that's what i did, i killed every Zombie once. But i didn't bother moving them out of totem range, so they respawned. The other 2 knights must have walked into the room and maybe they were confused(see i am saying confused instead of writing puzzled or perplexed, which i am more tempted to say, but it adds a bunch of extra learning) to see the items on the ground and the many Zombies. They might have thought, that those Zombies can drop more items or something like that. In any case we moved on and i have been noticing, that among those players, who do play FSC, people now prefer to choose the right path of doom:
This used to be a path of self-challenge and also something, that i preferred for speedrunning. Those runs never even got close to what other people achieve and i don't see why people prefer to choose the right path. I would understand if people in guilds or with close friends or otherwise allied people, who play really well, would choose right or wouldn't mind. But whenever i refused to choose, people chose right. So now i chose left. I don't think, that there is much point in leaving the decision to other people, if instead of giving me a random outcome, they all just blindly make the same choice(for whatever reason).
Once we were at the left room of chill, of which i don't have any picture right now. But i can draw it:
Once we were in that room, i threw the water, which i like to throw, because i do it efficiently. The moment, that my friend saw the opening into the first room in the bottom left(in my picture the bottom left room with statue and switch labeled as number "3"), he ran in there. Running into the room spawns the Zombies in that 1st room(labelled "3"). I labelled it in a random order for that drawing, it has no particular meaning. So my friend was busy with those 3 Zombies, which is great! Because of that nobody takes my water bubble :3 and i can get really annoyed when people take my water bubble unless they actually put out the fire properly, which hasn't happened once in my entire life. Sure, people get other spots right, but they do not clear the fire completely in that room ever. And most importantly, they engage in battle early instead of putting out the fire first. Therefore since i had the water, because my friend was busy with the zombies, i could play more at my own pace. The 3rd knight was disconnected again i think, which is why i haven't drawn him. Speaking of which:
My guess to why his PC crashed, is that he was simply out of RAM. PCs don't crash. Ever. There is always a reason. I would recommend minimizing the graphics in the options and running only Spiral Knights with no other programs in the background. There is also a unique case, where Nvidea's more recent drivers had some bad code, which would reliably blue-screen my PC. Modern PCs do not Blue-Screen. Ever. I was almost certain, that people intentionally injected bad code after whatever fight they had with so-called "reviewers". I can't say anything with certainty, but getting something like that from the top GPU manufacturer with all that subjective youtube-non-sense going on (like i cannot objectively evaluate a functioning GPU based on what i if i'm going to take input from people, whose appearance alone makes me want to not watch!) and at the same time Nvidea being very very non-transparent on their forums(you can hardly even navigate them!!), this would be my best bet. That Blue-Screen issue was from around January 2021, i think. And while i don't know the exact date, my current driver is version 460.79-desktop-win8-win7-64bit-international-whql for gtx 970, which is probably from like september. Usually, you should always use an up-to-date driver. But since there was this driver, that caused regular blue-screens i switched to an older 1..and everything is working fine!!! All this stuff, that they force you to get, from browsers to operating systems. If it wasn't for compatibility and "security fixes", i wouldn't even bother! Nvidea had also switched to forcing people out of their comfort-zone to some degree. Back when they started asking for an E-mail login for your geforce experience recording(which was really just called "shadowplay" i think..). But these are just my only 2 guesses. If it's none of these finding any particular technical issue is incredibly difficult. These seem to be the most likely causes. There used to be an issue with non-nvidea cards or their drivers, which caused alot of issues with games. I don't know if that is still up-to-date, but if i look at how media or nvidea has been developing, i wouldn't be surprised, if things, that are still foreign to me, have also been impacted by the constant decrease of human intelligence. However, i think for non-nvidea cards the issue was "games don't start" and not crashes.
So anyway, my friend finished his 3 Zombies before i was done watering everything. I did take a break killing the 3 Zombies, that i always kill after placing the statue on the switch in the top right room(labelled "2"), in nice order ^-^. And what happened after that in the top left room(labelled "1", and also has statue "4") felt bad, but i continued anyway. He stepped on the switched, which spawned the 3 Zombies around my knight and i shield knocked them away. I mean, at least as far as i can remember. Shield knocking means activating shield, or just shielding. If you stand close to a monster and activate shield, it gets knocked away. It is not the same as shield bashing. I waited for a good opportunity to throw my water bubble. And i threw it at a good opportunity. I do not have a video, where i can double-check, but i don't think, that there were any obstacles in the way. However, when my eyes were back on the screen and my mind focused after a few milliseconds of taking a break(because while the water bubble is flying, i might as well take a break) the fire was not extinguished and the crate was also still there i think. There is a crate, that covers the fire in the top left corner at statue 1, which i didn't draw. Because of that crate, some people might hit the box and then throw water at the fire. But i throw the fire directly, which breaks the crate and puts out the fire at the same time ^-^. However, this did not happen. And yeah this isn't a big deal, although after so many groups, that i have been in, the lack of a single team, that waters everything right, is quite bothersome. If i think about how the right path of doom would go: People usually pick their own side, so there are at least not these types of conflicts. But i have played enough groups, that go the left way from back in the day, when people preferred the left way(which is a saner choice anyway..unless you play really well, which doesn't apply to most people, who i've played with recently) and i have been perfectly fine through that. But at this point i was just annoyed and fed up. I don't recommend playing this game in single player. Playing this in single player is a waste of time unless there is nobody to play with or if you are in the mood for that. But i was only getting negatives at this point. So i went solo. It was pretty smooth except for the boss, but he too was finished with just 2 health and 2 remedy capsules, so i'm quite content. I do not expect my friend to have made it. I don't really care at this point. Even with some knowledge, it would still take practice. But a few things should be written down. Not in the hope, that he reads it. But to clarify a few things. I know, that text is only valuable if it is small. But i cannot compress this without omitting information. I wouldn't read it(although i probably will proof-read it, but after submitting). But there is also another aspect. That ever since i have been joining random forums on the internet, people make rules for me, people talk bad to me, or people are better than me. And when i look back: Yes, i can see, that i wrote some texts. But some aspects of what i really want to say can only be included by writing in a more humane fashion. Without all these technical limitations, that people put in their heads. Be it rules, or formalities. These things, to me, are tools, that we can use. While other people treat them like restrictions. And no matter how much i stick to any 1 thing, there will always be things like typing errors. And no matter how many people force others to adhere to their preferences, there will always be lost (videogame-) battles. And all of that just serves others as a mean to oppress me. I have looked at the very first forum, where i ever wrote anything and there i was accused of something, where i see myself as innocent. Knowing, this time for good, that every man and woman(i do not believe in transgendered people, because i asked my biology teacher about chromosomes..) is an enemy anyway, i will write the way, that i want to write. Complying here and there i get absolutely nothing. The only reason to comply at this point, is to maintain a good quality of life, which is not something, that can get affected through a strongly individual way of writing, which could potentially be a bother for a moderator or owner or whatever else. This does not make me immune to bad people, or people enforcing their rules(which they have to under some circumstances, because if you run a website, you have certain responsibility. The law makes you. And the law are the owners of guns and bombs..). But, if i look back, i am writing in a state of zero guilt. And therefore i want to be 100% natural, and not artificial.
The situation with Room 5:
So my friend was charging his needle and running in circles with a bunch of zombies, purple jelly cubes and a trojan horse aiming at him, while i was quietly standing at the bottom. He clearly didn't know what to do. I wasn't pushing anything into him, but i was also making sure to stay away from him!! For example, if he sees how i may be doing better than him by standing peacefully without anything attacking me, he could run to that spot. But i wouldn't let him just come to my spot and lead all the monsters to me! Not this time. This time, i would quietly retreat, if he attempted to do something like that, by moving to another clean wall without monsters. So in order to save that situation: First of all, i didn't have the intention of letting him die. At a certain point i usually calm down, unless people interfere to excessively, even if unintended. Therefore all he had to do in order for me to join back in(before he gets hit, which he failed to avoid) was to release his needle charge and last 10-20 seconds without being completely useless. Just any type of damage to the monsters, where he doesn't also get hit himself, would have done the job. Because that would prove, that he doesn't simply off-load all the risk of getting hit to me ! In order to safely release that needle charge, he has to stand still in a spot as close as possible to a wall. That would make the horse charge at him, because horses charge or attack, when a knight stands still. There is also a chance, that the horse would walk toward him, but in that case he could continue to walk around until he finds another opportunity to try the same trick. By standing close to a wall i mean standing outside of range of the Zombies, so they cannot swipe, or jump, or breathe fire. Of course, he should also be distanced from the Jelly Cubes, but since they were grouped together with the Zombies, i am treating them as part of the group of Zombies or as the 2nd threat.(1st threat = trojan horse, 2nd threat = zombies and jelly cubes) Once he sees, that the trojan horse is about to attack(any type of attack, but not walking), he can step outside of the range of that horse's attack and immediately release his needle charge. But not in the direction of the horse, but in the direction of the Zombies. That way he would also interrupt the Zombies and that would give him extra time, even if he does not have any attack speed bonus. I do not know if he had any attack speed bonus, but it can be extra difficult without it. After that, he could also dash away, if he is targeted by either the trojan horse or another monster or both. For the direction of the dash he should go anywhere, where he is likely to not get hit. Proper keybindings are probably useful. While i am not a fan of telling people how to bind keys, i am very used to the original controls of spiral knights, so i don't have any issues. After that he should probably continue to use needle charges. If he has a brandish-line sword, he should try 1- or 2-combo hits. It is not a situation, where you can get out 100%. But this is probably the safest play. I don't think, that Dread Venom Striker would do much damage on a single swing, and it is not a good weapon for that place. Unless you can at least interrupt their attacks, which i'm not saying, that it's not possible. But for the average player these weapons do not offer much. I am also not a fan of how games treat their items and i hate the word "balance". To me a good balance is about increasing the strength of each useless item in such a unique way, that it becomes not only usable but also unique. For example that Barbarous Thorn Blade charge attack has that one animation of a snarbolax biting or something like that. I think that is totally redundant on that sword and stepping back on a charge attack, especially with projectiles, makes no sense. But that type of animation could easily be added to a cutter line sword with proper shape and color depending on the type of sword. And having something like that with extra damage and interruption could increase the usability of the sword. It also makes no sense to me why the knight moves so far out with regular swings of cutter-swords and doesn't move at all with the charge attack(lol). I do not question very much the design of the sword, nor when other people might disagree with me about its usability. But if i was supposed to provide diverse items or a little bit more "choice" or "uniqueness" to beginner knights, then i wouldn't be mad enough to suggest something, that only puts you in danger!
This took me 3 hours to write. I am too tired to continue proof-reading in preview-mode. I like small, digestible text. This is not at all small or digestible. But there is a line between what i want to write and how i present it. If i want to write something i'm going to write it, and if it looks bad i won't publish it. But if i write just for the sake of presenting something, i no longer have a reason to write. At this point this is more of a story. It has some personal thoughts, too(like that nvidea thingy..). I initially thought, that new players could easier understand certain things. Certain outcomes. Like if i rushed in with a Dread Venom Striker like my friend did(for example if i was younger), i could be thinking, that i am in some form of action combat, where i'm reacting in real-time. But that is not how things work. I have seen a good player in lockdown once. And i asked him whether he battles in real-time or if he predicts players's movements. He said, that he predicts the movements. That does not mean, that he knows where people will go. It just means, that he strikes, where he expects the player to stand during the moment, when his sword is going to hit. A wing chun instructor also told me, that if there are multiple foes, you focus on 1 at a time. And while i have no real combat experience and also don't want any, i think that principal can be applied to a videogame as well. I have read, that a person can focus on up to 7 things at a time. If you focus on any 1 thing, you have room for distractions, because they would be well within the scope of those 7 things, on which you can focus at any 1 given time. However, if you focus on any 1 thing only, you may also immediately notice, that a human gets bored incredibly fast, if he isn't occupied or entertained. The boredom doesn't really apply to spiral knights, but when i am playing, i minimize the threat. It is all that much more upsetting, when while i'm trying to minimize a threat, people rush in. Without rushing in, it is alot more boring, but..if you are still under the impression, that some form of action-combat-instincts are going to do the work for you, it will more than likely result in failure. It is not something, that we need to give up on. But i can write down, what i can understand. And after having lived these years, i don't think, that there are going to be any miraculous changes to this particular thing. It does not mean, that we have to listen to other people's mechanical or restrictive talk. It is merely a tool or knowledge to how to be able to do things better such as playing spiral knights, at least theoretically.
However, since this is not small, digestible text, only people, who are fond of reading, are going to read it. People, who are fond of reading, are probably smart enough in order to not be able to benefit from what i thought could potentitally benefit newer players. And since everything requires practice, i don't even know if this could help anybody, even if it was small and digestible. Among the newer players, of whom a small fraction may decide to visit the forums and read this post, i mean.

In the 3 hours you spent attacking and assaulting your keyboard you could have done 10-12 FSC runs.
This entire post has to be a troll as there's no way someone would waste 3 hours sharing this sort of thinking.

so I copied and pasted your post into MS word....
6 pages, single spaced. 4,917 words.
u need help.
I figured, that i must've unintentionally remembered Wild Hunting Blade. I didn't ever have it myself, so it must have been subconscious. I'm okay with using optimal gear in FSC. If suboptimal gear was an option, i would immediately choose Combuster and Big Angry Bomb. But choice has been dead in online games, because things just don't work as well. The pulsar wasn't used poorly in FSC, it was in the depths before, because i go through clockworks, since i haven't unlocked King of Ashes on my knight yet.
I have quitted the friendship now, because during another run that person was using a magnus, 3* or 4*, instead of Divine Avenger(!) and Gran Faust, which he had shown in the depths before FSC. He had followed my around again at Depth 25 and knocked Zombies into me(lol). Since he had shown Divine Avenger and Gran Faust before, i was no longer sure, if he was just a young person. I can't speak of bad intent, but it got too annoying.
well actually i have written countless of posts with much length. I remember having spent well over 8 hours sitting there writing something on SK forums. But i didn't publish any of them. Sometimes they are too negative, sometimes they just don't make a point. Another important aspect is, that all the rules really annoy me. Who ever keeps all the rules in mind other than me ? I find it inexcusable when shame is brought upon me through disciplinary actions or other false pretenses. Therefore i am so eager to try to stick to rules, that my post cannot even contain anything, which i would really like to say, even if i manage to phrase myself properly. Of course, there is also some degree of shame. I want to write as an innocent kid. When does sticking to any 1 thing ever prevent you from being punished ? The type of law, that rules over the world treats us as criminals, even when we aren't. Laws should ensure our rights, and not simply tip everything in a company's favour..however since nobody can ensure, that a judge does his job the way you would consider fair, i don't really blame anybody. But if i want my text to have any kind of significance i should write the way i want. Of course, writing the way i want on the internet, where there are all types of people, can come with some degree of shame. But there have been countless posts just trying to stick to formalities. Even if they were perfected, that wouldn't really do anything for me. I looked at some of my very first posts(on another forum) before i was aware of all these rules and my posts looked like i'm talking to a person. That's how i want to write. And i have been ticked off enough at this point, that i don't even care if consequences were to hit my well-being. Of course, that is easy to say without having them directly in front of me. But it's very superficial, when there is the idea of "there are bad people" in childhood. When i'm in a train and i have to be afraid of people while at the same time i have to stick to the idea of adhering to some "rules" or "laws" and other people, especially juveniles, can act as threatening as they wish to, then that wakes a beast in me. Sure i have to watch out as a fragile human, when people just drive around in their massive metal cars, while god "almighty" does who knows what. But when i write something i want it to be written from me, in pure form. Who of anybody even ever speaks the full truth ? It is all filtered through some context. When you have an illiterate or blind person, people suddenly have an understanding. But if you simply just don't like reading some texts, nobody even cares. I certainly did not learn english to have nothing but rules and formalities in my head. I thought it was a great thing, because it enables me access to information and media from all over the world.
To get back to the content of your post, i do not have a way of convincing somebody, that i am not "trolling".
However i do have a funny "troll", that i was thinking of finding an opportunity to share:
Controls are Z or Y to start i think
Oh yeah and the "sort of thinking", that i wanted to "share" is because people just end conflicts..they don't ever resolve them. You maybe see in TV or so where people go to share their versions of a random story..but in reality you have to do that yourself and it isn't always helpful. In a forum, however, i don't really see an issue. If it's too bad, i can see, that it's in conflict with customs or rules. But if it isn't too bad, i'll know soon enough.
For example this post right here. It could be 1 of those posts, that i could decide to not share. Like why would i bother sharing a troll(the link, not this post) and why in such a way ? You usually don't give away the punching line before delivering the joke..but what do people write on the forums anyway ? I don't think, that participating does anything for me. I'm like a little kid, who says things at random and repeats them if he gets positive feedback. Like in that 1 spongebob episode, where he rips his pants. And among whatever people write on the forums there are also alot of bad words here and there. Or a bad mentality. As long as i don't get involved in a conflict, that makes me too uneasy, i can write whatever the hell i think. Please excuse my language. I must have lived under a rock, when "hell" started being considered a curse word. And while i'm comfortable writing it's just about self-fulfillment. That i am happy with what i wrote.
That was for "3 hours" and "troll". Now the "FSC run" <- Here is a really good example of why i never end up publishing anything i write. If you see this, you would re-structure your post. And it would overflow from formality and you are no longer just "talking" to somebody.
10-12 FSC runs are incredibly boring.
However in 3 hours, i would do 3-6 runs. My runs are taking about an hour right now, because i do them via the arcade.
Yes, earning money can be a fun thing. But games are best enjoyed in an adventurous way. If it starts feeling like a "grind", then i'm not going to put up with that lol
I really wasn't expecting any response, because the forums look kind of dead to me..and i also don't think, that my posts are relevant for anybody and i would expect only people, who are really fond of reading to look at them. So i feel compelled to say:
thx for reading

I find your storytelling really interesting and you should share the other posts you didn't end up sharing with us.
Also it's good to hear your friend can play the game how he wants without you judging him on every decision he makes.
Shame to hear about your poor excuse for elitism though.
i'm not judging anybody
people can play however they want
he knocked monsters directly into me 1 too many times
if i could tell before-hand i would sure waste time neither with bad players nor forum posters
good day
This post is directed only at people, who do not have the intention of insulting me or provoking me.
My last post makes me look somewhat bad and i would not continue posting at this point. But since there hasn't been any reaction to it, the way it should be, in a somewhat dead forum, not 1 where people just blindly accuse me and use it as their personal battleground, while i spend the effort to write down every detail, i want to set a few things straight. Because i can.
My "alt-name" is something, that i chose, when this forum was first given avatars. At that time i chose the Trojan Knight Avatar. And while i was a frequent forum poster, somebody else, who i hadn't even heard of before, was given attention in i think even an own forum thread. He had chosen the same avatar and people acted like "that avatar looks great! could you explain why did you choose this fancy awesome avatar?? *pretty eyes make*". I was pretty upset. And at the same time it robbed me of any individuality, which is what avatars are supposed to provide. Therefore the name "No-Thanks" as in no thanks to this system, without any chosen avatar.
And when i first played an RPG, it represented who we are in-game. It wasn't as clear at that time, that certain setups(like classes, or in this game weapons) are better than others. And having multiple characters with a "main" character also wasn't very widespread. A character represented who i was in-game. I eventually learned the term "sub-char". The first time i ever heard of "alt" that term was mostly because of people, who, you know, kind-of like "elitists", would create characters simply because they had certain advantages instead of choosing them because of preference. That was very upsetting, because those people could abuse their powers to speed-lvl, which made me feel less significant, and because they also made me feel less unique as my preferred class. It took a long time until i finally realized, that developers or game designers simply don't have it down to write classes, that shine the way they should.
And the fact, that you shouldn't go around disclosing your personal information to the public, also makes me upset at his "@alt-name". I don't know if there are any specific conditions, where you can comfortably share your full information..if you have to be a dominant white man, not somebody, who is oppressed, or simply somebody, who hasn't been told to keep such information safe. And you may be thinking, that he is only talking about character names, which is true, but this is how it makes me feel. To some degree he makes a point, but once a person talks like that, there is no end to it. No degree of complying to his all-free-from-sin-requests-that-are-also-looking-clean-in-public will ever resolve him nitpicking. I cannot, however, tell, when a person is purely messing with me and when he is making a point. Because that's what they aim at, the "conscience". Which for some reason never stops at any 1 point, but goes to the extreme end. My reaction, which makes me look like i'm somehow acquainted with that person, is me reacting defensively after reading things like "@alt-name" and the accusation of "me judging my friend" and "poor excuse for elitism". Reading this makes me think, that this person is a bad person. And while i cannot tell, if his accusations are real or if he is just being a bad person, i know for a fact, that there is no point in arguing with that guy. What i can attempt to do, however, is explain the "elitism" topic.
I'm a normal guy and i'm not going to put up with whoever i find in the game. And i am moody, too. That is exactly, where my conscience declares me as "guilty". However, to clarify: Elitists are usually people, who move in groups, and who exclude other people from playing. In this game in particular, i have read reasons like not having optimal weapons, for example. And i am not talking about Bopp's post. I have actually read somewhere, that a person has complained about being kicked for that reason, even before having played. I am not 1 of those people. In fact, i hate these type of people. Sure, there are times, where i'm not going to continue being patient, because i want to have a good time playing the game, too. But what is being ignored here is how much i put up with another person before saying goodbye(not literally. just leaving and removing friend, plus ignore..).
Another point, that could make you have doubt is the idea of "friendship". I cannot really say much about that. I want nothing to do with any kind of social allies, mafias, communitys or other type of groups, that abuse their power if they cannot maintain a proper way of treating each other and being generally good people. "Good" not in the sense, that is forced upon us by texts of god, but "good" in the sense, that it is in our nature to just be happy people and not mistreat each other. I couldn't care less for the label of "friend". <- This right here can already be used to make me look bad. And i can't really blame anybody if they really think that way. If every person out there has certain circles, then i insist on being a stand-alone. What people do in the name of "friendship" is certainly not good..unless it is done in the context of good people - for which you don't need any friendship. But i'm not judging even that. I refuse to be a "good person" as per being forced to. If i am being "good" it is either naturally there or from extra effort, because that on the other hand is written down. Not because i believe in something, but to simply tip the most powerful forces in this world into my favour. If i could be a super-saiyan or superman, i wouldn't care less..
And this isn't some kind of make-me-look-pretty post. In history there has always been torture. To this day i'm amazed whatever is in the heads of people, that makes them think, that no matter what cruelty, can only be exerted in 1 direction. I am the oppressed, who is talking back. However, i am not a 100% victim in this situation. I have been playing MOBA(multiplayer online battle arena) and there have always been people, who have been on my side, or at least neutral. But the last time i played, every person had abandoned me in a match of Smite. I haven't played ever since. The principal was, that people had developed certain customs for picking up health items, that hadn't even existed in the beginning. These health-items, if unpicked, are very useless. And picking them together heals the whole group, but it is also a very stupid thing to do, because it adds a timeframe, which takes away from the dynamic gameplay. So if i pick that up on my own, it can be considered bad, if for example, people with a less powerful opinion simply follow some group leader's opinion of the custom of picking it up together. But in any case, people can make their own choice and so can you. This post is just to clarify things from my perspective. I cannot know the full intention of any 1 poster. I have also had a person, who first talked bad about me and then started making me look good instead. I don't know what causes this talking bad. But the conscience, for some reason, is only at rest, when you can go all the way. And a truly bad guy doesn't stop even after all the way. Therefore i cannot really afford to comply to any 1 random person insulting me.
Here is a link of 1 of those smite matches:
I don't really know what you are going to think of me after reading that. If you even bother to read any of this, i mean. But yeah, i don't have to comply to any 1 person. I have played matches, where i followed every complaint, that i have gotten, without being rewarded with a victory..i have had complaints, that i have gotten after complying with another person's complaint..i have had very few matches, where my presence really made a difference. I'm certainly not here to comply to some arrogant people like 1 of those people yelling at soccer players, who feel entitled to do so instead of playing themselves. But all of these people neither ensure your victory nor do they contribute to you being able to make your own choices or even have fun the way you want to. And all of them, including idiotic video game "pro" ads are completely ignorant of the fact, that the enemy team is just as entitled to win as you are, when it comes to pvp.
I have abandoned that game with good conscience. And while i do miss it, it has been a nightmare since day 1. Mainly because of how "MOBA players" feel entitled to command others around. Again, not only a very 1-way thinking, kind of like torture throughout history, but also something, that doesn't come with an objective reward like a victory. These people will say anything to justify their behaviour. To this day i don't even understand how bad people are capable of being successful in life. I have to sometimes think to myself how many things i have done, that my parents told me to do, just to remind me, that i'm the good guy. I don't really want to complain about what god thinks life should be or how he dares call himself "almighty" yet refuse to interfere with this world altogether. My life is really good and i know that. But there are certain shortcomings, which i find inexcusable. And i feel not responsible for those. All while having done what other people have wanted me to do. And it doesn't stop there. (people will continue to nag at me according to their wishes). I couldn't even enslave myself if i wanted to. People have the arrogance to ignore what i say or feel when i am right in front of them. But they are also surrounded by other people and all are very awake. People have pushed their behaviour to such ridiculous limits, that any degree of complying beyond what feels right would make me look like something isn't right with whoever i'm complying with. That then immediately causes a chain-reaction and makes that person look like he is doing something wrong or bad with me.
Don't pay too much attention to this post. I didn't have to go through the kind of hardships, that you see in the movie "barefoot gen". I also didn't suffer from whatever the japanese did to the chinese, or the americans to the koreans, or the "whites" to "blacks". But i am in this same world, where people cannot appreciate the simple beauty of life. That does not make me a good person. I know for myself how "good" of a person i am. I also do not believe in magical or miraculous mood changes, where you have a good day or a bad day or things like that.
Before i continue my selfish writings, a moment of attention to what people have been doing to others, while i have been having a good life.
And don't be fooled by people asking for charity. You don't know where the money goes. I, for example, had spent 50€ chunks, when i saw an ad speaking of poor children in africa. Because even if i'm not a "good" person, i cannot sit here saving for some fast pc, while i already have a fast pc, and when i could use that money to assist those people. They advertised, that 30$ could keep an entire village fed for a full month(yeah right..). My father had told me, that these people keep the money instead of helping people. I'm rather skeptical, when i hear all the things, that my father says, but sure enough after about half a year, when i had stopped donating, i received a letter from the same institution saying "how can you sit around, when people need help", roughly paraphrased. And the style of writing was exactly the same as the political party in germany, that acts basically like some form of "alterntive to nazis"..
Okay now i continue.
I wasn't created with the powers of being independent. And it isn't difficult to figure out, that any 1 way of life has not been made for's this era, that enables me to sit around and play games. Using electrical power, that comes from nuclear power plants.. If i had a job i would be doing just that. Fortunately people don't really care about my ability to work, but instead about what i look like on paper. I do not even want to write down what my resume is. I am certainly not proud of having been forced to go to school and if i ever write it down, it shall be for the sake of survival. But if there is a lack of harmony just because people are too arrogant, i will not put up with it, even if it were to cost me my life! I wasn't born with the inability to gain my own knowledge. And i also wasn't born with idea of "having to work". I can merely see, that i should play my part in any 1 society. But that ends, when society just exploits that to whatever ridiculous notions they have in their heads.
And to explain good or bad mood. In this world, i am constantly surrounded by arrogant people and an arrogant culture. I was a pretty quiet kid and i don't think this is the kind of treatment, that i should get..but i am not ignorant enough to not attribute certain imperfections to these things. I am also not stupid enough to not lay the blame on god, when there are powers, about which i cannot really do anything by simply not having done anything wrong. Things like "black friday" or "halloween" or whatever garbage people invent without admitting, that something is in the air. And "not having done anything wrong" in my case also does not go beyond the scope of a regular person. In my case, it is rather mild, having stolen something in kindergarten, because i felt lied to, when my father tryed to explain, that we're poor(and accordingly getting addicted to stealing and having stolen 1 or 2 more shiny rocks(not valuable ones kindergarten)). And having killed 2 mice in an attempt to "save" them from people, who i perceived as hostile. Again, people, who i may have not even bothered becoming acquainted with, if it wasn't for my parents making me. And the "killing" was also not in the way, that you would expect, like how society has their idea of hitting a, it was very unpleasant to look at. Really sad, too. I obviously cryed as a kid, because that's not how i expected it to turn out. Other than that, maybe having learned bad behaviour from other bad kids like showing the middle finger. But also at the same time realizing at the first time of showing it, that maybe that is not considered "cool". I am not interested in disclosing any of this information here. And i couldn't care less! I swear to god, that under the same circumstances i will do the same things again!!! Because that felt right to me. Whatever trial there might be for it, that will be an outside force. I refuse to comply beyond "what has come to be(without me adding to it..)"
I just want to write this down, so, if there are any people out there, who are actually good and can still see my point..can actually join me on hating how Hatn has written to me. And believe me, when i say, that Hatn isn't the worst. I have opened up to forums and stopped posting there. Because when i start exposing myself in an attempt to make my innocence clear, people just start upsetting me more and more..there is no end(this applies to real life too..). To some degree, this too, can be considered some type of "elitism"(based on the accusation, that i'm the "elitist"). I cannot really tell. I mean all that a person can do is be willing to comply. And if that is just turned into a massive chain of mockery, then i don't consider myself guilty in the slightest. But i also cannot call myself a flawless person. Most certainly not the type of impression, that somebody like Hatn seems to make with his insulting, and provoking post. But i am okay with that. I am okay with who i am. The only thing, that i have never been okay with is what other people make me be. I mean just look at this. I have to expose this much text, while he sits comfortable looking like an innocent goat. And maybe he is. I'm not making any accusations beyond how he talked to me. I'm not even comparing. I just feel very insulted, when people make me look like someone, who i despise. E.g. an "alt" or an "elitist". There is a post, that i made in general discussion, where i use the term "elitist". I write there, that you are either an "elitist" or a "dead-weight"(not sure if dead-weight is the exact phrasing, that i used). With that i meant, for example, that the damage difference is big enough, that the weaker person looks like a dead-weight, if that is even a correct term, and the stronger person looks like an elitist. It is very different from what i consider elitism. But speaking up against elitism makes it hard, when you have somebody like Hatn nagging at you. They can make a story out of any 1 thing. I'm not going to put up with every kind of person in-game, that could be out there, just because i don't consider myself an "elitist". If, on the other hand, he means how i treat a "friend": Well then YES! Most definitely i will treat them like that. And if it wasn't for making the text more readable, i may have referred to him as just a "knight". But that would make it kind of difficult to say "me, a knight, and a 3rd knight". Now, that i look at it, maybe that isn't so difficult to read.
I also don't really know what this "judging" is all about. Usually "judging" means, that you either speak poorly of someone, evaluating him, making him uneasy. Or it could also apply if the thought "oh no, now he is judging me" made any sense. But it doesn't. I barely even talked. You may or may not be aware, but these days..talking can potentially make a random person, who thinks, that his foul language is welcome everywhere, start talking like it's no big deal. With swear words i mean. Or touching inappropriate topics. Sometimes intentionally bypassing chat filters. I actually remember doing that myself. I don't think, that i did that in a way, that would make others uneasy, other than for the sake of retaliating. I even remember, that i said "god damn" in a game once and my friend asked me "without the gd". And after thinking about that for a while i realized, that he meant "god damn" with "gd" and even if i saw nothing wrong with it, i reluctantly complied. Because he was a good friend. Not necessarily, that i could tell, that he was a "good" friend, but at that time people were around in games. People, who don't make you want to drop the game altogether the moment you see them!!!!!
And it is pretty clear, that there are 2 types of people out there. Those, that are willing to better themselves and those, who aren't. You cannot tell them apart, because a bad guy can cloak himself as a good person and a good person can have a bad day..or a reallllyyy bad day >;)
But back to the judging. My friend had joined me and greeted me once, but because of these reasons..that talking can ease up the atmosphere enough for bad guys to start feeling like "home"..i didn't say hi back. I may have occasionally joined him, too, before that, it doesn't really matter to me. Although i do try to avoid tier 1 and 2 runs, since i have gotten better gear, because i'm aware, that people could be bothered by that. I am also aware, that they could appreciate that, since i had bad gear not too long ago and it was also nice for some runs to have strong allies.
I am too busy playing instead of judging. Right when i step on a party button, i have already looked past certain mistakes and am preparing for combat. Until i get something knocked into me. You could consider that a fair evaluation for what they have done, if that's enough "judging" in order to write bad about me(and when i say "you", i am not talking to Hatn here, because i am not going to talk to that person). But really i just don't want to put up with him(him as in the friend ingame, not Hatn) anymore. I don't have any bad conscience for that. And my lengthy post explains in detail what could go wrong, so if anybody ever doesn't understand why i suddently left, then it should become pretty obvious..
With the limited entitlement, that i have, which is -100 in this forum and 0 in any "holy matters" i hereby demand full retaliation, revenge, punishment, or making-up-for for me having to expose myself to such an extent with no intention of doing so in an effort to cleanse my name from somebody, who even accuses my post of a "troll"(...). Amen.
And i may continue to comply beyond a personally preferred degree, if that seems better for society, if for example society cannot treat videogames in a healthy way and has to use additional restrictions because of that. Not because i ever think, that anything bad could be attributed to them, but simply because i acknowledge, that yes people are stupid enough to harm themselves from that and i am willing to bow my head to global restrictions for the sake of them being able to better themselves.
And i am not going to withhold the word "stupid"!!!
And i sure hope, that for whatever is left of this life, although free from hardships, but also ridded of all the good tv shows, that used to air for free in abundance and made the impression of living in a world, where people have a brain.. forums and games be usable in a manner, that is appropriate for the type of people, that should be playing and using them. Those, who are told to have a quiet, calm occupation, and most certainly never those, who make everything uneasy for others and even make me feel guilty of the same !!!!
I always wonder what happened to all the times, when people said, that i'm a good kid. Since when are bad people entitled to "report" people(LOL). A report function has always been a measure for the weak to fight back. Certainly not for some arrogant "elitists"(this time for sure!) to join their nazi forces.
Now if you'll excuse me, i will go mind my own business with the occasional thought of what kind of non-sense i will have to deal with next. Some other miraculous not-talking-back ? Actually having to read somebody's opinion of what they think of me, the good or the bad ? Or even having to face "trial" on this virtual platform for whatever rule fits to evaluate this text as inappropriate, or all of my posts.(still not talking to Hatn, because i will not talk to that person. But to whoever is reading. Even if i start with "Now if you'll excuse me", which is something, that could be said in a dispute, but unfortunately there is no guaranteed way of ridding myself of any 1 "opponent"(lol). Therefore i am saying it in the context of "now if you'll excuse me, there is this garbage that i will have to deal with now..")
Oh and while speaking of forum rules: sure there are some things, that cannot be reported in an official manner, in which case people like to collect "complaints" or things like that. But if you do find something wrong with my posts, please feel free to tidy your forum of people using curse words. I refuse to report such a post, because that indirectly implies, that i am okay with the law, which already fails to keep me at ease, as should be obvious by the end of this post. And yes, while i'm at it, you may interpret any way you want. I would most certainly refuse any terms, if i could then still play the game(as is appropriate for an innocent person). It is also mind-boggling, that i have to hear an affirmation from mr snowden before i can allow my own thoughts to have any form of validity in this world. Boo!

Honestly, reading this thread took me longer than reading my study material for quantum mechanics in uni. You should seriously consider putting your writing talents to professional use, you could seriously rake in some money from that, maybe even enough to give your friend a better weapon. Maybe some fanfictions or some blogging careers would work out. Seriously, don't let the talent go to waste man, I'm envious of it from trying to be a writer myself. Could you please enlighten me on your ways.

You unfriended someone because they were using a weapon you didn't want them to be using...
That's what a die-hard elitist would do.
Hi, before I write this long-winded essay here I'd like to first state I'm an SK player like any other. Regardless of my status or prominence within the community for all these years I'm writing to you guys, especially No-Thanks, to explain exactly what's going on here as well as put in my two cents on the matter. This will be my most worded post ever in the forums and will probably remain that way for the entire lifespan of this site. Be prepared, it's 2:52 AM on 9/11 and I've had one can of Tostitos cheese sauce alongside some Schweppes ginger ale. Grab a drink and put on some Great Ace Attorney OST in the background, most importantly, enjoy the skimming.
Before I even begin to step into this sand of a topic that's been baked under the hot summer sun for hours on end without rest I must first make my stance on the matter and make it clear to the viewer reading this that I wholeheartedly had no issue in reading the blog written above of No-Thank's experience. Well... To an extent that's not the total truth, let me explain. I enjoy readin- pfft no, I don't read. I haven't read a book since my college days 5 years ago when I was in a literature studies class, we had to write 30 pages on the message the "Clockwork Orange" was trying to expose to us as a sort of hard-hitting establishment on the topic of a human psyche that isn't natural, like an orange.. get it? Anyways, what I'm getting at is I did skim through some of the details, as many of the previous commenters pointed out this is albeit too much to the attention span of one, such as myself who uses BaB and torto guns in Lockdown. Yes, I played lockdown so I know what No-Thanks is referring to when approaching the strategies/playstyle most experienced players tend to lean. Granted, I'm no single-switcher, I don't striker often. Quite the opposite, I guardian the heck for my team and strive to only reach one goal, to win, not damage farm.
Ok ok, I went a bit off the rails so lemme bring guys right back into the original topic, playstyle. See, we all can agree there's optimization for every game we play, yes even for Spiral Knights. It's simple enough to understand the mechanics the game offers but much harder to master when you take into consideration all the various methods and techniques players have come up with over the years. There was a time it wasn't necessary to bring blitz into a vana run (I know right we actually brought other types of weapons that, while not optimal, had enough substantial weight to their gimmick to make the run feel just as efficient). Finally! I'm talking about the vana story that started this whole ordeal. In my experience, there are 4 types of FSC runners who go through the hurdles and obstacles this part of the game sets. The obvious is what we call the Farmers, they specifically bring the most affordable gear they can manage to beat the run at a decent rate to rake enough crowns to get through their SK fixes of cosmetics and items in order to beat the endgame. Next are the Extrodanares, the elites above all else, who meticulously and painstakingly got the best gear the game can offer along with taking certain routes that can make a speedrunner wished there was a mod to locate the buttons ahead of time in order to get a significant lead on everyone else. The following are the Newbies, these are only those who recently got to this point in the game with whatever gearset they have chosen to get to this point with, and are doing these runs without any knowledge of the layout or enough experience to summize how to deal with certain obstacles the game throws your way that weren't introduced in any missions beforehand (like the wheels for example, imagine your first time coming here and you only have ample time to react to those things coming your way without anyone mentioning it to you, how anxious)
You'll noticed I said 4 types, yet I only gave out 3. Clearly, I can't count tonight, but it was actually on purpose because this 4th classification of players are what connects players like No-Thanks and those of similar mindsets over the progression that random players have them confronted with when doing these sorts of runs. It'd be easy to give them a name right now but I'd like to pause for a moment.
Thanks you. No this wasn't a joke, my fingers are gonna enact Karpel tunnel-like symptoms at the rate I'm writing this. Believe me it's no easy feat to summize my thoughts into this whilst trying to actually validate this essay as an actual report on the matter. Okay, so this 4th class is different, which is why I had to make it its own paragraph. They're not what we can distinguish by skillset or level of ingame knowledge, this is more personal. I'll explain. You may recall No-Thanks statement on paragraph 8, it's the 1st line that need its attention, I quote "My friend then rushes in with his Dread Venom Striker". Notice how the wording on this sentence is structured, they begin with the activity of an acquaintance, someone they are familiar with, someone who they understand to extent enough to consider an ally. While at the same time, pointing out an action that can be seen as impulsive, a person who just runs straight into battle without much thought or calculation. This isn't the only instance of this occurring. On Paragraph 12, 2nd line it starts off with "So my friend was charging his needle.." and then followed that sentence of action by "He clearly didn't know what to do" This is a pattern of observation I've noticed amongst other players who've brought along what we call Randoms into the party or, to clarify, other players unbenounced to the host they joined.
This isn't No-Thanks berating the other players, far from it. The level of detail is so pristine you can almost frame by frame visualize the battlefield they were on. Clearly, they've put the time and effort to look over everything that occurred and assessed the situation like they were solving a puzzle by the renowned Professor Layton (If you don't know who this person is then you're failing at solving puzzle at any point in your lifetime.) However, I must confess, the tone given in these descriptions are rather, how should I say, misleading.
How can that be? I wasn't there, surely the actions taken were enacted the way they were described right? Well If I said yes then this wouldn't have been a 2 hour long research into the thesis that No-Thanks handed into the forum. This wasn't about the player who ran into the crowd of enemies without thinking about hit-stuns and how they function or learning enemy placements as to avert from taking unnecessary damage. NO, it was merely an illusion to its real purpose.
We all thought this was an essay created by a player whose experience were so bewildering enough to make this post in order to let others recognize these events as proof that players aren't thinking logically about the manner they play. Far from it, whether it was our delusion that all FSC players are just hardcore meta slaves or the constant reading we had to do to get to this point was so tedious our brain short circuited halfway through and decided to skim the rest of the way, it wasn't the intention. We have a far bigger problem, unbenounced to us, including me till 15 minutes ago that I realized something.
You see, I failed to mention that while I'm writing this I actually had a notepad on the side open to formulate my thoughts together from having gone through countless hours of the "numa numa" song in the background, it wasn't until the song finished its course on youtube that my mind had a moment of clarity. Believe me, I was shocked, all this planning, my experience, the constructing of criticism, it was all the wrong way to approach this.
I went back and started from the beginning, I read the entire comments section of this forum thread, from top to bottom, 20 tabs were put aside so I could have this one in particular in the front of my 1st of many monitor screens. There wasn't a pattern, I thought there was with the way it was written, it made sense that the person had a reason to elaborate on their partner's actions whilst putting the other player on a side of his own delinquency. It wasn't until I re-read the line on paragraph 18 where he diverges into PC anomalies and behavior, it seemed irrelevant, to the point I thought it was just a passing comment with their fascination of GPUs. I made a crucial error in my judgment and that's what set me back another hour to write this post, the player lied...
I started noticing inconsistencies, like in paragraph 16 he placed an image where it was between 2 choices to head towards to progress in Depth 26 of the vana run. One was the actual in-game image whilst the other was handdrawn. In paragraph 9 they were explaining the hitstun mechanic but never could explain exactly how it functions in relation to dmg output and enemy type. Even in the last paragraph! "People, who are fond of reading, are probably smart enough in order to not be able to benefit from what I thought could potentially benefit newer players."
I wasn't smart enough to understand, because I read it the way it was laid out and nothing more. Even now I'm ashamed to say this wasn't meant for my eyes to read, none of us were. This was on a level I had to physically stop myself from getting emotional and pacing back and forth in my room at what's currently 4:07 AM.
No-thanks if you're reading this, forgive me for trying to elaborate on your message. I was clearly not up to the task of summarizing your report as I am not an English teacher, but now I know what you wanted, I KNOW you meant something to be read BETWEEN THE LINES.
Players, are gamers..
i ain't reading all that
i'm happy for u tho
or sorry that happened
Me referring to my friend as friend simply means, that he was on my friends list. It was for easier distinguishing and i am also not super happy as he hasn't made any signs of not wanting to be my friend. That isn't what this is about.
When i say he rushed in with a DVS and when you can imagine it clearly, then that is because i included screenshots of the rooms, so people can see what i'm talking about(he rushes to hit the block, which i wanted to shoot from far away, so i don't have to deal with the trojan while also dealing with jelly cubes and the other zombies..and which is why i died)
The reason why there is a handdrawn picture included is so that people, who are new to FSC can get an idea..i didn't have any video from which i could include a screenshot of that room..and i also didn't really mean to make a post that long.
The Nvidea thingy and alot of other things are my personal thoughts. There were 3 knights in a group together with me(me, a knight, and my friend). And i only mention me and my friend. That is because the other knight had his PC crashed. My immediate guess was, that he could be out of RAM. I also added some other suspicion regarding NVidea, because i have read, that modern hardware does not ever bluescreen and i have been having consistent blue-screens. And a graphics card manufacturer like that cannot simply have a massive oversight like that, especially with all the PR non-sense, that was going on..but that, too, was just a guess..
But anyway i appreciate the participation.
Could you just go away from here please ??
Me unfriending for using a weapon i don't like ? Did you even read what i write ?? He was constantly knocking monsters into me WITH HIS MAGNUS, when he had clearly shown to own Divine Avenger AND Gran Faust. He was KNOCKING monsters into me. Get that into your head. And stop leaving posts, that make me look bad. I have written a ton of information down and if it wasn't too long, people can decide for themselves if they consider me an "elitist" or not and how they define that. I have no issue of being considered even a monster as long as that really represents who i am. I couldn't care less if he uses his magnus or not. I don't even care if he joins my rooms or not. He KEPT KNOCKING STUFF INTO ME. GET THAT IN YOUR HEAD AND GO AWAY!!!!!

Why would I want to make comments that make you look bad when your original post does that for me.
Instead of making a forum thread complaining about your teammates maybe spend that time learning how to be a better player to where you can adapt to your teammate's playstyle without removing them at a drop of a hat. (:
I want to add some clarification.
I was looking through my old videos of games, some of which i compressed because my old external backup-drive didn't have enough space back then. I also checked my SK folder and noticed a text-file named "Spiral Knights Blocklist.txt". I probably made that because of character hopping, but i also wrote a detailed description WHY i would block anybody in the first place. This can of course lead to trouble if you are playing with more than just a single player and people are still chatting.
Before i continue i was thinking, that i recognize the name "Hatn" from old days of lockdown, which can still be true, but i was surprised to see his name on there. I am trying to write around the topic of how difficult it can be to write concise and satisfying looking words without getting distracted by either being too unhappy or too happy. So i will get to the point for now. Needless to say i lost any interest in reading forums after all i get is this, when all i tryed to do was leave an explanation behind for .. well whatever i don't wana be judgemental in text-form(still not going to put up with non-sense in-game).
According to that text file the very top player:
"Curse words: Uses curse words in a way, that bypasses chatfilters. Intentionally and knowingly."
Regarding this topic i am very much opposed to restricting people in ANY way. I am convinced, that if anybody does anything wrong, they can feel it even after they have done anything wrong or questionable. And accordingly they can learn. This isn't always the same for everybody, especially for younger people, who would naturally play a game like SK. So i didn't say anything, but at the same time reading those words made me angry, since that is why i enabled those chat filters in the first place. And so i used the ignore function.
Since Hatn is 2nd on my list, i am assuming, that he must have been in the same group. Let me quote:
"Ignored me: Sided with [other guy] by ignoring my question "have you played sands of time" with some random "oh there is an arena" comment or something, when i ignored [other guy], because he is a cursing punk"
I don't mind when people prefer to side with their "friends" and i would never want anything like "friendship" in that way. From what i have seen often times strangers are nicer than friends, since most people have the mentality, that you can do anything with a friend. But that's another story entirely. I still don't mind how other people decide to make THEIR choices.
Also i refuse to be called Asteroia by you, Hatn. Please respect my forum-name. I think you have caused enough damage already. I made this thread with good intention. AND i blocked your friend, knowing, that the whole world think they can say whatever they want. Maybe they should not do that in public, because i am just as real and i wouldn't mind firing back if i had the option. I am well aware, that if a kid, who is likely going to play SK, because SK is the kind of game for kids, isn't learning to be smart by seeing all the disgusting types of people, who are on twitch these days. Some of them look straight-up criminal. And since corona-times even the good guys put up a hostile mentality. I don't know what is wrong with people or why. But i grew up with superman on TV. Not the kind of crap, that they show these days with brutality or camera moving away from the action. But superman animated series. The mentality of that time is, that you are polite. And i don't mind if you are not, because i am opposed to rules. But if you do it in a way, that bothers me, don't mind if i ignore you. And don't take it to the forums. This wasn't even about you!
Stupid kid.
And for anybody else, after all this i don't expect anyody to take this seriously anymore. Learn your lessons on your own from here on. I'm retiring the spirit of the good intention, that i had in the name of these people.
I haven't read every sentence in detail, but I've skimmed it all. You make some important points about teamwork, knockback, freeze, etc.
It's great that you didn't argue with your teammate about pulsars vs. needles. An experienced FSC player should enjoy the challenge of playing with imperfect gear --- until the knockback gets too annoying, at least.
As far as I can tell, the conventional wisdom is that monster interruption happens when enough damage is delivered in a narrow window of time. But that doesn't explain why WHB's charge attack interrupts more than DVS's. So I'm not sure.