Pity System
I believe a pity system should be added to the game for extremely rare items in the game such as Celestial Orbit guns and reskins.
Nearly every game out on the market right now has a pity system in place for cosmetics in their game and I think it's a great idea for Spiral knights. It doesn't make sense that people can spend over $500 dollars in game and not get any rare drop item from prize boxes but someone that only paid 15 bucks for can get them. There should be a pity system such as what Apex Legends has with their Heirlooms where if you spend a certain amount of money or open a certain amount of boxes you're guaranteed a random rare item from that prize pool. The main reason this game even still runs is because people hunting for weapons such as mixmaster and Celestial Orbit gun spend hundreds every year and they get nothing in return for it but accessories they might not even like at all or be looking for.
I agree, Definitely deserve to get the item after spending $500 trying to get it.