So, I'm trying to up a haze bomb into a fiery vaporizer, and I have a UV I want to carry over. I also have 2 haze bombs in my inventory. I don't want to use the wrong bomb for my upgrade...does the alchemy machine just use the first one in the list? Is there a way to choose? Dragging items around doesn't seem to change their location in my inventory, and it doesn't give me any visual hint in the alchemy machine that it's acknowledging what I'm trying to do.
--Edit: Sorry, I got it. When dragging the bomb over to the crafting window, I was just dropping it roughly in the window. Turns out you have to very precisely drop it into the little circle that displays the bomb. I figured it worked like the merchant sell interface window.
Yes, dragging the one you want over to its location in the alchemy screen works. The reason dragging stuff in your inventory around doesn't work is because it's always sorted, I'd assume.